First off... Yes... Im too cheap to buy an airbrush... Of all the things i "need", that is somewhere at the bottom of the list
Plus... While i do marvel at the magnificent airbrush jobs here in the gallery, i prefer simple paint schemes on my own lures.... Way i see it, a crankbait is a reaction bait.. Long as it has flash and contrast, it will trigger strikes
When i first started, i painted all my baits with rattle cans.... Then one day i thought i would "up my game" by learning to paint with bristles........ Well.... Turns out im just not the artistic type
Lure on the left is spray paint, 10 minutes.. Right is hand brushed, bout 2 hours (mostly dry time between coats)
I do like the color selection of hand paints, especially that royal gold!... But with my lack of skills, i think the spray can bait looks better
Opinions welcome... I know there were some rattle can guys on here way back, any of you still around??