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Everything posted by JRammit

  1. something in Pete's reply... less material/less buoyancy ballast only works because of the buoyancy pulling against it.... your thinner body pulls less against the weight of your ballast, offering less resistance to the roll maybe???
  2. good stuff man!.... true love is when each others happiness is as important as in your story!
  3. JRammit

    Toy Boats

    thought i would post this here... just seems fitting
  4. PVC line through "snag away" design another rattle can job... Krylon metalic gold under Krylon ivory with a Krylon black back the "T" stands for "tunable"... on a normal crankbait, you can bend the line tie for tuning if it runs left or right.... well, i dont have a line tie.... sometimes id get lucky and build a perfectly ballanced bait.... other times they ended up on the wall well.... i noticed i had more baits on the wall than in my tackle box, so i came up with a solution....... notice the "tuning eye" on the tail...... it works!... baits now go strait from the bench to the tackle box! i also got creative and figured out how to make an underwater video with a cell phone..... excuse the camera work, hard to keep steady while treading water
  5. thats what ive read, but i got grape from spike-it and had it bleed.... only used it once, in a smoke color ... might not be as bad in other colors
  6. 1st, dont throw the plastic away, u can always make it black... i had alot of black when i first started 2nd, DaveMc is right, all the plastisol suppliers sell hi temp glitter.... but some colors are still prone to bleeding.... be wary of any purples, and ive had issues w some shades of green
  7. yes, pop instead of clay works and is WAY easier imo! just make sure you pour the pop in a thin layer, that makes it easier to break apart for removal
  8. JRammit

    Little brown

    looks awesome! also looks like you bent the lip into a concave shape, just like the original..... i made a few 4" long versions, but used lexan...... its a fun build!
  9. thanks mark... ive been makin em and fishing em for about 2 years now, and i havnt lost one yet
  10. now that u say that, we just bought a pool this summer, and of course ive been using it as a test tank.... ill come up w a test for the break away and try to get a video of it
  11. first off, you get points for the first lure mentioned here that Travis doesnt have stashed away somewhere (ha ha ha!) second, im jealous!.. ive only had the chance to catch lake trout once.. the ones we caught were tiny compared to their potential (15"-18"), but still little power houses!.... someting about hoisting solid muscle up from 50+ ft deep got me hooked! and i never caught any again now the lure.... aulrich has a beautiful wood copy, that is a legit way to go.... but since you mentioned losing so many in the rocks (we lost our share of gear that day too, no rocks no lake trout)... id look into molding sure shot way, take one you have left and mold it in silicone... then you have an exact copy of the body the line tie could probably be done with lexan, and the hangers would need to be formed into a wire harness for ballast, you could try crimping lead split shot onto the wire harness also as mentioned above, Paul Adams (handmade fisherman) has some great videos on all these methods
  12. took it out today.. id say it runs pretty good, not the best ive made, but definitely not the worst once i got it tuned in, it reached 7 foot consistently... runs fairly strait, with a little "hunt" i need to fix on the next one caught 1 bass and a catfish on it, so ill call it a success the way the line goes thru the deep diver, it will not float up the line, the hook would have to be broken off to free it up..... i snagged it on a few trees, but it came loose each time, so i didnt get a chance to test it in "retrieval mode".... but im confident it will work
  13. you can upload your pic to the gallery, then include a link here to start a discussion but unless there's something specific to point out or ask about the lure, that discussion can take place within the gallery itself
  14. yessir.... dont know how deep yet, find out next day off
  15. PVC, line through "snag away" design this one is painted with only rattle cans, D2T top coat..... i need a lil practice holding my stencils at the right distance, but im happy with this one for a first try there is also a new development here, but if you cant see it, i wont share
  16. JRammit

    Hand paint vs spray paint

    thanks guys!... im gonna tinker w the spray paint for a while, see what fx i csn come up with...... then who knows, i might buy an airbrush some dau
  17. I hope you mean you feel the heat through your gloves When you do something hundreds of times, you're bound to screw it up once.... I did it twice.. Spilled a cup of plastic once without gloves, and once with gloves..... It sure didn't hurt as much with the gloves on
  18. JRammit

    Hand paint vs spray paint

    Thanks man! Yea, i was thinking of "mixing" the two... I have painted acrylic over spray paint before, but never tried spray paint over acrylic I just like the "fade look" the over spray gives... No matter what i try with a brush, i cant pull that off
  19. First off... Yes... Im too cheap to buy an airbrush... Of all the things i "need", that is somewhere at the bottom of the list Plus... While i do marvel at the magnificent airbrush jobs here in the gallery, i prefer simple paint schemes on my own lures.... Way i see it, a crankbait is a reaction bait.. Long as it has flash and contrast, it will trigger strikes When i first started, i painted all my baits with rattle cans.... Then one day i thought i would "up my game" by learning to paint with bristles........ Well.... Turns out im just not the artistic type Lure on the left is spray paint, 10 minutes.. Right is hand brushed, bout 2 hours (mostly dry time between coats) I do like the color selection of hand paints, especially that royal gold!... But with my lack of skills, i think the spray can bait looks better Opinions welcome... I know there were some rattle can guys on here way back, any of you still around??
  20. Try a search for "core shot"... Ive never done it, or id offer up some help... But i think that's what ur lookin for
  21. JRammit

    Jerk bait fishin!

    Another copy of my old favorite (Rapala floater) from PVC... The first ones i made turned out to be too fat and clumsy... So i thinned this one down to 5/16", results were near perfect! Hand painted royal gold/black back/neon orange belly
  22. Well thats good to know!.... One more thing to get "those looks" in the check out line
  23. Man thats a mean lookin bug!!! Mad muskys wont stand a chance!
  24. Theres my problem... I tried doing the scales before applying to the lure Btw, whats "tule" or "thule"??
  25. Thing with kitchen foil, if you even breathe on it, it crinkles up (exaggeration) I got a nice scale pattern in mine by pressing it onto the netting of my tackle bag side pouch... But by the time i got it on the bait, most of the scales dissapeared in the crinkles Just bought a roll of foil tape.. Havnt even opened it yet.. But i will soon
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