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Everything posted by JRammit

  1. JRammit

    IMG 20151101 165157

    Agreed!... Looks like it could catch big bass and scare small children
  2. The clock on our old coffee pot no longer works, so i can't set the timer to have coffee ready when i wake up... This frustrates me
  3. Nobody said i cant drop into TU while im at work
  4. I had this same thought.. Only im building my baits and would like a "control group" to compare them too It is OK to post your own thread with questions like this, that way the replies are more focused on your subject... If you are unsure if your question is relevant to the forums, the docks are a safe place to post
  5. Thanks Curt!.... The little teaser bait drives the bluegill crazy, which wasnt my intention, but its fun to watch!
  6. Another reason for a second coat is if you are clumsy and drop the lure on the floor while the first is drying
  7. Ha!... It was good while it lasted
  8. He has the video on his YouTube channel... With his permission, i would post the link here
  9. Oh yea, the creeper..... Diemai, soon as you posted that thing, i knew i was beat
  10. If you decide to pour multiple bellies ahead of time, then you should try bond coat from spike-it.... The stuff takes close to an hour to dry, but once dry the next color will bond great even if the belly is cold
  11. On the football side... Maybe a little early, but tonight may well have been a Superbowl preview... And Denver hanled Green Bay like a hammer handles a nail!
  12. It starts with the master, epoxy will give the master a smooth gloss that transfers to the mold... If your molds are RTV, it ends there If your molds are plaster, there are a variety of sealers that can change the finish of your baits... Epoxy being one of them.... Try a search on sealing plaster molds and you'll find all the other options
  13. I love your enthusiasm Dale! Reminds me of myself
  14. Yes, Doni seems to have a great attitude.. You are new to the site, but if you stick around you'll find every one else here has the same attitude as Doni This thread was posted to announce and praise the contest winners.... So keeping on subject, great job kaimon!.... I dig the use of the sea shells for fins on the golby! Im one to appreciate out of the box thinking!.... How durable are the shells? They look awesome!
  15. Carved from poplar dowel rods.. Painted with spray cans, details done with paint markers and sharpies.. Top coat D2T epoxy 20 lb mono leader, nylon thread wrapped loops This one is a brown spotted frog chasing a bumble bee
  16. Carved from poplar dowel rods... Painted with spray cans, details done with paint markers and sharpies.. Top coated with D2T epoxy The leader is 20 lb mono, loops wrapped with nylon thread This one is a baby bass chasing a lady bug
  17. I like the term "origional" over "custom" Even if you can make all your baits identical, they are still different from any other bait in the world! As for performance.. They may be better, they may be worse, or they may just be...... But in the end, my baits are one of a kind, and thats whats in it for me!
  18. Colors look great!... Thanks for posting!..... Looking forward to seeing more of your creative designs!
  19. I just wonder how accurate the eye can be when duplicating baits?? When i get one that runs how i want, i "try" to build more identical to it... The stencils get me pretty close
  20. Im no expert on salmon.. All i know is they taste great! But as for predatory fish in general, feeding is not the only reason for striking... Agression, aggravation, territorialism, curiosity and instinct.... In this case, perhaps instinct to eliminate any threat to eggs and/or fry..... Again, no expert, just a theory
  21. Ive noticed that the masters i make for soft plastics look alot better than my crank baits I do the masters by eye, and use stencils for every side of the cranks Could be that my eyes are more accurate than my tracing skills.... Or could be that im more patient and taking more time making 1 master vs making 3 or 4 cranks at a time
  22. So no Cubs?... Biff isn't a billionaire??
  23. JRammit

    homemade bandits

    Spot on!.. Nice job!
  24. Good stuff Dave..... Each of you are happy, and thats what matters I live with my wife, but rarely see her... She works nights, i work days (days that sometimes extend into nights), sometimes ill see her on the weekends, other times she'll spend her weekend with friends and ill spend mine in the shop or on the lake I take the kids fishing and hunting, she takes them to the movies and special events... You could say our arrangement is strange too... But everyone is happy
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