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Everything posted by JRammit

  1. Took a while for this to sink in... Took it the other way though... Soft bait gallery, great place to store color recipes! When i first started, i kept notes on my phone... Before i got a new phone, i emailed the notes to myself.... Good idea right??... No, new phone deleted the email.... Had to start all over... Wont get deleted again!!!
  2. JRammit

    Rib Worm... Junebug blue

    For my records: -1/2 cup plastic -2 pinch .040 black hex flake -4 pinch .008 royal blue glitter -8 drops LW junebug
  3. JRammit

    Rib worm... Watermelon Red

    For my records: -1/2 cup plastic -2 pinch .040 black hex flake -4 pinch .008 fire red glitter -6 drops LW watermelon
  4. For my records: -1/2 cup plastic -2 pinch .040 black hex flake -16 drops LW green pumpkin
  5. Decided to change the name of this bait to something more fitting I like this "club claw" design more than the traditional flat claws.... These do not "flap", they "flop", even when the bait is sitting perfectly still This is an old mold, not my best, but it works (sometimes).. Need to stock up for the fall bite!!!
  6. Never woulda thought about wood getting wet just sitting around... Makes sense though, good read and good info..... Makes a strong case for using PVC!
  7. I was hoping to see one of these in the contest! I like the monster bug! Simple, yet unique... And i dig the color scheme on this one!!
  8. My all time favorite player to watch was Barry Sanders..... He could make an NFL defense look like 11 toddlers chasing a kitten
  9. Ha!... Thanks nugene!!... I like to be different
  10. Yes, many good videos showing this technique.... I was set in my ways, but my ways arent working for the new project... Getting the clay is holding me up, but it wont be long
  11. One more There was a thread about this recently, it looks like the real deal... But plaster fits my budget better Make your own soft plastic injection lure mold:
  12. This is good to know!... I love fishing white, but i HATE making it! Pearl powder on the wish list!
  13. You should talk to Saltwater.. He has a great method for making fiberglass molds He was kind enough to give me a detailed tutorial some time ago... I have yet to try it, but only because i swamp myself with new projects
  14. JRammit

    The Alien

    Thanks Kajan!... Ill have more to show soon
  15. JRammit

    King Cobra

    I dig it! Ive never seen a design like that... The overhanging edge must give it a wicked action!... I find myself trying to cast it out in my head just to see what it does
  16. Gettin some good stuff here! Black and Geen Pumpkin almost have enough votes to run against each other for president (Watermelon could be VP).. Ha ha! Smoke is a good one, i use it for other baits but never thought of using it for a worm Nobody said chartreuse?.. Not my favorite, but i figured it was somebodies Question: Looking at that redbug color on zoom's site.. Looks an awful lot like the cherry seed color to me.. Are my eyes off??
  17. JRammit

    IMAG1770 1

    Looks better than a shiny ring to me!
  18. @Demai I havnt yet had the pleasure of conversing with you... I dont actually know you, but i feel like i do since i (as many here) follow your videos on YouTube and read your great advice here on TU You are an inspirational piece to the tackle building puzzle.. Its great having you around!.... That said, there is no obligation attatched... First things first... Take care and good luck! Jeremy
  19. Thanks Dave... The fishing part of the day was great!... The mold making part... Well... We'll figure it out
  20. Thanks Al!... Its that tima year!
  21. I now have a new favorite color!... June bug blue They just weren't digin the watermelon, thought it was gonna be a slow day til i tied one of these on Jeremy's day off: I make all my videos with my phone, managed to catch an action shot filming from my shirt pocket.. Not the best quality footage, but i was stoked that it worked!!!
  22. I made a bottom shoot mold once.. Where i fill the tube, insert the plunger, flip and push..... Thought all the air would push up out of the mold, didnt work... Looking back, it could have been the air trapped between the plunger Dave R.. I like the new drawing too, as long as the vents in the bottom tail cavity are long and thin enough, the rest should fill..... This is quite the project for your first 2 piece mold!
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