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Everything posted by JRammit

  1. Hollow baits??... Dont have to weigh em to figure that out... I know that feeling all too well! Only other explaination would be salt... But i think that would be a mixing problem, not a mold problem Great looking mold btw... Professional quality!... An envy of guys like me using plaster!
  2. Bob, thats odd.. Seems the most simple solution, but you are the expert so i wouldnt question it I havnt tried the side inject.. Dave R, it might be worth a go, but i still think the vents would cause you trouble
  3. I was looking at your picture sideways.. I see the set up nowCouple more problems though... The mold is vertical, but the cavities sit horizontal.. Air bubbles could still be trapped this way All the vents lead strait out, you may get the bottom cavities filled but then all your plastic will run out the vents instead of up the mold My suggestion (and what i thought i saw when i first looked at the picture), inject each cavity separately.. That would take all the guess work out of it Vacu-vent is an option too, with a little creative design!
  4. 1) vaccum venting is an alternative to injection.. Either method would work for your mold 2) deep ribs can be a problem, i have ribs the size of o-rings (in fact, i used o-rings to make them) on most of my baits and have never had a problem getting them to fill 3) make the sprue as large as the bait will accept.. If you vent out the side of the mold, size is trial and error unfortunately... Which is why i started venting up 4) fluid follows path of least resistance.. Your vent will be smaller than the paddle, so no matter where you place the vent the pattle will fill first
  5. I like how youve made use of every inch of space.. And making many different baits in one mold, why not?.. Less time spent making multiple molds.. Great ideaFirst problem i see is trying to shoot one cavity through another... The plastic will flow through the small passages, but as it thins out it will cool, blocking the passage off and leaving the one behind it void
  6. No injector.. The mold is hand poured and the vacuum fills the cavity Here is mine... The long legs and tiny antennas are connected to the vaccum duct via small short vents The only mistake on this mold is the suction entry on the side, makes it difficult to get a good seal, but it still works....... Hopefully in a few days time ill have the new mold completed and tested
  7. Agreed... I achieved filling a single cavity mold with a 12v air pump, the kind used to inflate/deflate pool toys... But for a multi cavity i will need more power... 2 options in mind for this, i will try the simpler of the two first
  8. Heres where i first saw it http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/10718-hairy-worm/?fromsearch=1 Ive used it once with good results ("The Alien" in gallery).. Working on my 2nd vacuum mold now, when its done i will share
  9. When they wont hit anything else, i always fall back on the drop shot I dont fish spinners much, but when i do its either white or white.... Reading your post makes me wanna broaden my horizons!
  10. This mold is DWP (Durhams water puddy), its stronger than pop and doesnt stick as much... Cooking oil will work on DWP, but vaseline is better... I smear it on with a paper towel until i cant see any swirels The trade off is DWP produces more bubbles, its a little more expensive, and i cant find it in large quantity
  11. Heres a vertical mold i made, the top was too thin and it cracked after the first shoot... But the one bait i got was bubble free My current project is a multi cavity using Dave's vacuum method.. And its almost finished!
  12. Thanks Dave... I learn things the hard way, that way i dont forget! If i ever do, the scar will remind me
  13. A verry valid concern!.... Hot plastic under high pressure is a dangerous combination! No matter the tool used, when in doubt remove pressure!... One clog is all it takes Close to (or over) 200 shots with my copper tube in various molds, no accidents (except when i spilled a cup of plastic)
  14. Since ive been having so much fun making videos.. Thought id make one for this thread..... Someone out there may find it usefull Home made injector worm: Keep in mind, this horizontal set up only works for long slender baits (ie worms).. Thicker bodied baits will trap air bubbles in the cavity... This method in a vertical set up would work for any style bait Im currently experimenting with a new method... New video coming soon
  15. If you wanna call it an injector, ive made all my soft baits using a copper tube and a tight fitting wodden dowel rod as a plunger The mold must be designed to accept this set up, but to me it was worth the trouble... No nozzle to clean.. No o-rings to replace.. I dont see how it could ever wear out, but if it did I could make a new one for $4
  16. Wooden dowel rods, ends rounded and coated in epoxy? Available at any local hardware or hobby store.. And cheap! I dont make tubes.. Yet.. But when i do, this is what ill use
  17. Rewind.. I thought you were talking about a soft bait, maybe you meant a molded hard bait.... I think that would still count as hand made, since you made the master by hand
  18. Ha!.. nugene, no appology needed, i was excited too! To answer your question, yes, thats what its all about!.... Lets see whacha got!
  19. JRammit

    Chartreuse pepper minnow

    Not my favorite color, but the fish seem to like it Me and this mold have reached the end of our negotiations..... Time to design a new one!
  20. Interesting..... Can you carve it??... Like, say with a dremel?
  21. Hi and welcome! Im guessing youve already picked out the basics you plan to buy.. A few over looked things to add would be: -Thermometer.. Not essential, but a big help -Extra pyrex cup.. So you dont have to wait for cooling when changing colors -Some sort of mold release.. Pam (cooking spray) works great, many here use it -Plastic bags to keep your scraps in, they can be re-melted over n over -A note pad to write down your color recipes -And i wish i had a hot plate, i get by without one but waste a lot of time reheating between pours Not sure about the molds, i make my own so i have no clue what's the best to buy
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