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Everything posted by JRammit

  1. Just a thought... Since you're experimenting with saw dust... Maybe try PVC dust?? I havnt worked with resin (yet).. But since the end result is plastic, then maybe a plastic dust would mesh better than a wood dust
  2. Dave, they arent scoffing anymore... For the past several years there has been at least one NFL game played in London each season... Last year there was even talk of London wanting its own franchise As for your rugby.. I dont know much about it, but so far im quite impressed with Jared Hayne (former rugby star going NFL)!!!
  3. I do that all the time, and im not even old yet (ha ha!) I think its about time for a few more expansion teams.. Not sure how they would split the divisions up??.. But now we have San Antonio and LA pulling for a team.. Id hate to see any other city lose theirs like Houston and Cleveland did for a few years
  4. For the multiple pictures you could do a grid... I have an app on my phone that does it, so im sure a computer could too Idk about the doll.. Ha ha!
  5. Hope the mend it works.. Of course you know there is another option Take a few of those baits you glued together and mold them in plaster..... With concrete sealer
  6. I doubt ill be taking this project on... All that was requested of me was identification of the bait... Ive fulfilled my obligation.. If i can produce a bag or two, ive exceded my expectations Travis, if you find the worms great!.. But dont stress yourself on my account
  7. JRammit

    The Alien

    Thanks!... Many possibilites using this method... From a small time hobby, to possibly something more
  8. Thanks man!... Had to learn a few new things to pull this one off... But thats what TU is all about!
  9. Bbob... I did it from my phone... Just click Curt's link in post #1 ("The contest gallery is located here")... Then choose your category... Then click "full version" (on the bottom of the page) From there you can upload Tip: Sometimes (dependant of the camera on your phone) your files will be too big to upload (or they will upload sideways)... Solution: take a screen shot of your pic and upload that file instead If you still have problems, let us know what kind of phone you are using
  10. JRammit

    Sf Spinnerbait 25+

    Everything is more meaningful when a kid is involved.... Great job!!!... And keep that kid building, his imagination will thank you a hundred times over!
  11. Ha!... Hater That's what i thought... But theres a fine line... Only difference between a crappie jig and a fly is lead
  12. Where do tied crappie jigs belong?... Flies or wire baits?
  13. JRammit


    LimpNoodle makes a good point about buying kits... You usually end up paying for something youll never use (like the paint) Good idea to buy what you need seperately... But you will need alot of things... The less you spend on the pot, the more you have to spend on the rest I didnt pour alot of lead at first, so the metal pot on the stove with the laddle worked for me I plan to be pouring more in the near future, so a melting pot may be next on my list.... Lee is what i was looking at
  14. JRammit

    The Alien

    Creature bait from another world.... Bulbous floating head with big beaty eyes an antennas Texas or Carolina rig it... Looks like a bobble head sitting on bottom The color is june bug with black flake and blue glitter Made using a vacuum venting meathod... No injector
  15. A twist off of my "hungry popper" that i made just for the contest... A concept of mine to create a little more surface action, and trigger a competition/agression response from fish (like 2 dogs fighting over a bone) This one is a 2" frog popper chasing a 1" cricket popper... Both pieces carved from poplar.. Brown and yellow spray paint.. Dots and spots done by hand with paint markers.. D2T topcoat A 4 1/2" mono leader separates the two pieces... Loops hand wraped with nylon thread and epoxied for added durability (strength tested) Hand tied buck tail trebles on the frog and line tie on the cricket.... Cricket legs made from plastic broom bristles Hope you like!
  16. Respirator is not mandatory, but propper ventilation is! Everyone has their favorite plastic.. From what i can tell, they are all good but there is no "best"... I like Lureworks because i can order several other things from their site and only pay shipping once A gallon will go a LONG way if you are only pouring for your self... My 1st gallon has lasted me over a year, but i make as many small crappie sized baits as i do larger bass sized baits Also load up on colors!.. The 1 oz bottles go a long way too.. They are cheap if you order them at one time.. But not if you have to pay shipping every time you want a new color
  17. JRammit


    What kind of jigs? Heres one similar to the kit i picked up at Cabelas http://lurepartsonline.com/Online-Store/Kits/Roundhead-Jig-Mold-Starter-Kit.html I didnt like the paint, so i ordered some jars of powder coat... But the melting pot and laddle are handy on a budget
  18. You bought it Ha!... Couldnt resist
  19. I think it could be done without a mold... Maybe not efficiently though Each segment dipped like a tube, the previuos (once cooled) snipped and partially threaded over the next (while hot)... Until you get to the tail, then maybe dipping a piece of wire threaded into the bait that could be removed afterwards
  20. Late update: After some trial and error, i got the bond coat to hold the colors together great... It took a generous coating and over an hour of dry time before shooting the second color Anyone who fishes crappie knows how fast you go through baits... Even in a 4 cavity mold, this is insufficient.. It would take longer to make them than it will to lose them I think this stuff would be great for other applications... But not this one
  21. Simple and clever... I like it! If the krazy glue isnt up to the task, might try the bond coat from spike-it... I got some a while back.. It held great, but dry time was too long for my application Question though... Your concrete sealer... Have you ever tried using it to seal your plaster molds in place of epoxy??
  22. We live close enough to the Texas Motor Speedway to see the glow from the "big hoss" screen on race nights Im not a big fan, but my youngest son is... He's been infatuated by anything with wheels since he was a toddler Occasionally ill watch the end of a race on TV with him... One of these days ill take him down the road to see it in real life
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