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Everything posted by JRammit

  1. Another project to add to a list that already needs prioritizing... But i could learn alot from this one if i dive into it Im almost to the point of unpacking all my tools i just packed.... Turns out buying a house is nothing like buying a car.. They dont let you drive it home tonight and pay tomorrow
  2. Thanks Travis!... I will at least pay the shipping if you find them
  3. That must be it.... That was quick! I googled "air worm", "air pocket worm", "pocket worm" and any other variation i could think of If you happen to find them, let me know what would be a fair exchange This is the same friend that gave me the drill press... This may be a way to return the favor
  4. I was asked about this by a friend of a friend... He says 15 years ago he fished a floating worm with some sort of air pocket called "The Air Worm" I suggested maybe he meant the Creme floating worm, but he's sure it was called the air worm... He doesn't know who made it... And ive never heard of it... If anyone has, it would be someone here.... So i told the guy i would ask
  5. JRammit

    ILC 2 Bass

    First fish on the second design... Caught on the edge of a submerged weed bed in 6' of water
  6. Another similar story Few years back, while walking across a boat dock, my yougnest son (5 or 6 at the time) spotted a little bass swimmimg along the shore "I wanna catch that fish dad!" he said So i hooked him a minnow and watched as he dropped his bobber in... The bass took a brief look, but swam right past the minnow He made another cast, same result... "Let me see your pole" i said I tied him on a 4" Roboworm with 2 hooks (same as my set up) and showed him how to work it... BOOM! I think that was the 1st fish he ever caught on a lure..... Interesting when you get to actually see the way things unfold.... We both witnessed this fish turn its nose up at wounded live bait, and then hammer an artificial
  7. -Dont heat plastic too fast -Dont remelt light colors (esp white or clear) more than necessary -Dont forget to write down your color recipes -Dont let hot baits sit without cooling somehow, they will warp -Dont let baits sit in water over night (if that's how you cool them) they will get cloudy (a short water bath is effective means of cooling) -Dont use any type of oil you arent sure of in bait bags, some oils will harden your plastic -Dont be afraid to ask questions here, even if its been asked before
  8. There are many lakes (and streams) here in the US completely the opposite... The reasoning is preservation.... Parks and Wildlife have decided lures are safer because fish have a higher tendency to swallow live bait, upping the mortality rate This fact does support my taste argument
  9. But... If youre fishing for flatheads, you are ONLY going to use live bait because its proven more effective I once caught a bass while catfishing with raw shrimp.. So you're right, never say never... But if im bass fishing, im still leaving the shrimp at home
  10. I love telling this story When i lived in Colorado, 2 of my brother in laws were avid trout fishermen.. We all fished together a lot, and usually for trout.... Being from Texas, i knew nothing about the fish at first... They had many a chuckle watching me struggle to learn and they always out fished me Eventually i got my chuckle when i found a little bass pond and invited them into MY world They set up as they always did, night crawler under a bobber and floating power bait on the bottom... I tied on a zoom trick worm weightless with 2 hooks, fished similar to a jerk bait (one of my all time favorite techniques) A night crawler managed to catch one bass, the power bait nothing... I caught 14... And just to rub it in, i casted right next to one of the bobbers and caught another... Whos laughing now
  11. JRammit

    Hungry Frog

    Thanks! Its a quite labor intensive lure!... Idk if i would want to do that a thousand times?!?!
  12. WD-40 on marshmallows for trout My favorite soft plastic bait before i started making my own was the Berkley Chigger Craw.. I wasnt crazy about the Power Worms cause they were lacking in action, instead i chose Zoom and Roboworm I caught many a fish on the unflavored worms (also unscented) and still do fine with my own worms.. But when i made the switch to my own craw bait, my hook rate suffered.... Could be that i spend more time in the shop than on the water and im getting rusty... But it sure seemed the fish held the Berkley craws longer than they do my own Indepth scientific analysis by Dave, and backed by facts as always..... The flavor aspect could just be a confidence factor... Next time i have to "go" in the boat, ill test out your theory
  13. Attraction to me is in the visual presentation... Not to say that scent is worthless, but if it were required no one would fish hard baits or wire baits.. Or even flies Watching under water videos or even sight fishing, many times you see a fish take and spit a bait a couple of times before committing... Scented lures may or may not get more bites... But bites dont make for good pictures
  14. JRammit

    Hungry Frog

    Couldnt wait any longer... Had to post it!
  15. JRammit

    Hungry Frog

    2" frog popper chasing a 1" cricket popper Carved from poplar dowel rods... Brown and yellow spray paint... Paint marker dots and spots... D2T top coat Hand wrapped double loop 20 lb mono leader (strength tested) Hand tied bucktail trebles and line tie Cricket legs made from bristles off the wifes broom (brooms have lots of bristles, she wont notice a few missing)
  16. Check out this thread http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/22855-venting-question/page-3 Lots of good info here!.... My solution was a 2'x2'x2' box.. So i only have to vent the box rather than the whole room
  17. Ive been fishing for ideas on this topic for a while without a difinitive answer... I found a few options searching, but they were scattered throughout threads about scent So i thought id start a dedicated thread to flavoring baits NOT scenting them My findings/thoughts: -Salt... Strong attractive flavor, but changes bouyancy, structure, color and jeopardizes durability of plastic -Coffee... Earthy robust flavor, lighter than salt (i think) but only 1 of the 4 problems above solved -Garlic salt/Powder... Proven fish attractant, but same story as the last two powdered solutions -Animal fats... Oil based same as plastic, but minus the shelf life -Fish oil... "Great idea" i said to myself last year.. Not only did it catch fish, but they ate my baits like they were live bait (1st Crappie jig results, in trophy room gallery).. Problem, next day the bag of baits was glued shut (sticky) -MSG... I dont know, its used in cooking and in carp baits, but it is still in a powder form Im sure this is a compromise, anything added to plastic has to change it somehow... But if there is something better than what i found, id like to hear about it!
  18. Only admin can remove a post The rule says pictures are allowed if it adds insight to the topic..... The topic here is your first lure, which is pictured......... I would assume you didn't break the rule
  19. Good idea, but i dont think a metal mold would hold the sealant Plaster is porous and absorbs some of the sealant so it will never lose the coating
  20. Do you make your molds or buy them? Could be a venting problem or temperature problem
  21. I was at Cutlers 1st start in Denver (vs Seahawks)... Kid had an arm, but didnt know what to do with it... Kap has the same arm and more... If he can learn to spread the ball around.... Watch out!!!!!
  22. Why chance it?... Plaster is cheap! If you want the shine of a sealed plaster mold... Why not use a plaster mold??
  23. You might have posted on the wrong thread... But never mind that Is it a home made mold or did you buy the mold?? Ive had hollow baits come out of my molds (all home made) when i didnt vent them properly
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