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Everything posted by JRammit

  1. JRammit

    Bitter Sweet

    I think so too, and maybe a video to go with it...... Thats on the list of firsts in the new shop
  2. JRammit

    Bitter Sweet

    Thanks Dave! I couldn't help but notice by your comments in a previous thread that you are now buying tools...... Does that mean a new Vodka shop is under construction??
  3. JRammit

    Bitter Sweet

    No more lure making for the next few weeks
  4. JRammit

    The Alien

    This is the last lure made off my bench before i pack it away for the move......... There is another lure i finished for the contest, but im waiting to post it
  5. JRammit

    The Alien

    Another color: June bug with black flake and blue glitter Added a pic of the mold.... My first successfully vacu-vent mold (thanks Vodkaman for the help)
  6. Acetone?... Thats good to know... Ive been using "time"
  7. All my molds are plaster, i made one with built in screws.. Ill never make another one, clamps are faster and easier!
  8. 1) epoxy 2) paint 3) epoxy I havnt built a lure turner yet, but it is high on the list.... I have done without for a while...... Just hang the bait and flip every minute for 20-30 min or so (touch the leftover/unused epoxy to know when its hard enough to stop fliping the lure)
  9. That's pretty clever! How do you keep the weight consistent?..... Would counting the bb's be accurate enough??
  10. If you're willing to ride the learning curve, there are many ways to go about making your own molds.... Either by molding your favorite baits to make endless copies Or..... Dreaming up your own creations Plenty of info here by searching "plaster molds"
  11. ^^^ ^^^ Blacklabel, if youre new to the site, there are some guys here who REALLY know their stuff.... Theres one of them! Im not, but i try
  12. Here is a verry good thread to read explaining how different components of a crank bait work together http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/29773-lip-size-vs-depth/?fromsearch=1
  13. Might make it dive quicker, but not deeper... And if the weight is too far from the CG of the body, you sacrifice action
  14. Howdy! Wasnt long ago i had the same questions.. Since then ive only built about a dozen crank baits, but since most of them were failures, ive learned alot! I think of a crank bait as more of a "machine" than a fishing lure.... Change one component, and the whole operation changes The need for a thru wire depends on the material of the body.. Some guys use them for balsa baits, but there are other methods as well...... Definitely not needed with hardwood or PVC, twisted wire set in epoxy is plenty strong (ive tested mine by hanging a 30 lb dumbbell from the hook hangers) As for where to place the ballast (weight), there are formulas and equasions here in the archives to help with that... But ultimately it comes down to testing..... When designing a new crank bait, i like to build one or two that i never plan to use.. Once i get them right, i can follow the correct steps to build the final product
  15. When i try to upload a pic from the camera on my phone, the file is too big..... But if i take a screen shot of the pic, the screen shot will upload Nice spinner btw!... Great detail and top quality!
  16. Same here (27 miles to Cabelas from my house) But id rather keep my money than give it to anyone (ha ha)...... I live in Texas, so hunting season is BIG!!!.... I might end up with more deer hair than i know what to do with, if so ill keep you in mind
  17. I wish i could help, im just getting into tying jigs... But i dont plan on buying any hair or feathers Instead, i have several friends who hunt deer... Since the tails are no use to them, im sure i will have no problem getting my hands on some (and i duck hunt, so feathers are supplied as well) I dont know if this is an option for you... Or if you can wait that long (i couldn't, i already bought a couple from Cabelas).... But ive found a few threads here on preserving and dying your own buck tails......
  18. The trim is very bouyant, great for floating/diving crank baits I haven't used the decking yet, but ive read that it is more dense than the trim.. Perhaps better for a sinking bait
  19. 1st card goes to the girl in paint... I know exactly where Durhams Water Puddy is, but she has no problem showing me every visit anyway
  20. What ive noticed at my local Lowes... Most of the staff is young attractive females I don't really care if they know where stuff is, i just enjoy following them on the search
  21. Azek is probably the way to go The trim i found at Lowes is textured on one side... The trim i found at Home Depot has holes and grooves in the middle Both still work, but reqire extra steps/attention But i didnt see decking at either of my local stores
  22. I have several duck feathers, and will hopefully gain more this winter.... I've seen the thread on dying, and several YouTube videos on tying....... But havnt found much on preparing?? Obviously ill have to trim them in some way... Is there a good video showing how to do this??
  23. Accepted practice for Walleye fishing, and sometimes Crappie Ive actually caught bass trolling crawler harnesses
  24. I wouldnt think a 3D printer would be necessary for the hobbyist Unless you plan on the machine paying for itself in something more than fish fillets, there are other options I have a cheap 3D printer, its says dremel on the side of it... It has "printed" the master to every soft bait ive made The baits may not be "shelf quality"... But my "customers" breathe through gills and have brains the size of marbles
  25. JRammit

    Spectra Ply Baits

    Those look great!!... And different!... I like it! Actually gave me an idea, ive seen duck calls made from this stuff... Maybe a project for this winter???
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