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Everything posted by JRammit

  1. JRammit


    One advantage with epoxy (at least for me), it helps cover up "oops'es"... Much like a thick primer..
  2. JRammit


    Definitely seal first Several options.. I go with epoxy, sand, paint, epoxy Ive been using superglue as a sealer for prototypes.. But havnt been brave enough to try it on a finished bait yet
  3. JRammit

    First dressed trebble

    Actually i have one more question... What is that spring on my vice for??? It didnt come with a book... Just a vice and a spring???
  4. How does the hair stay lined up when you pull the tube out? Seems to me the tube would separate lower, but yours looks to work great
  5. JRammit

    First dressed trebble

    Thanks brandon! They are expensive!... Now i know why!
  6. When u think dressed treble, you do think feathers However, this treble is project specific.... A secret project.. Perhaps for a certain contest...?? But the hook is not secret, it is in the gallery
  7. Ben... I didnt see this on any of the videos i watched... But i found the easiest way for me is to lay the bucktail over the hook eye, wrap the center of the hook shank loosely, and slowly pull the bucktail away from the eye while tightening the wraps I havnt tried using feathers yet... Baby steps!
  8. JRammit

    First dressed trebble

    This was my 3rd try (i would like to have the first 2 stricken from the record)... Nothing fancy, just yellow n brown bucktail I think im figuring it out, just takes practice.. But i do have one question for you jig and fly tyers...... Why do you do this to your self???
  9. I was in a hurry and gave a list to the person... But still havnt heard back Actually went to Cabelas today and picked up a few things.. Got me a cheap vice too.. It sucks, but its better than using the big bench vice My first project will be attempting dressed trebles..... My first 2 trys look like something ate a hook and then died on my bench
  10. Thats cute.. But check this bird out Clever Bird Goes Fishing:
  11. JRammit

    Hungry Popper

    Bob.... Shhhhhhh! I havnt gotten to that one yet... But i will (and more)
  12. Travis... Have you been on facebook lately??... I wish they had the same rule.. Then if i felt like looking at pictures with jokes on them i could go to the "meme gallery".... And if not, i coukd actually see what friends and acquaintances have to say I would hate to see TU go the way of FB.. Not to mention how it would affect the search engine... I dissagree with most of what you said... I find jumping in a thread beneficial.. If my contribution is helpful, everyone learns something.. If it is not, someone corrects me, and everyone learns something As far as repetitive topics.. If they were to stop, TU would become a library rather than a forum........ Many times ive learned stuff i didnt even know i needed to know thanks to these repetitive topics
  13. I think Ben nailed it... Its hard to separate those seeking gratification from those seeking advice However, no pictures in the forum is cut and dry.. Easy to understand When i joined i got an email greeting, as im sure all new members do.... Maybe there should be a link in that email to the site rules (if there isnt already, i can't remember) Ive seen a few new guys have their first ever post locked out.. It is the rule, and we understand why.. But for them its probably a bad first impression of the site.... Had they been lead to read the rules before posting, i think we would see less of this
  14. Since i like making lures, think ill make a new one for the contest
  15. How long does the contest run? Say someone wanted to make something new... How long would they have??
  16. Well, floor is dry.. Might have a winner.. But i like the shock test idea, so ill give that a try...... Btw, this is the 2nd knot, the 1st knot i pulled manually to the breaking point, the mono broke first
  17. I considered a base wrap, but didn't think of roughing up the surface... Good idea! I had even tried twisting the mono once before (another failure)... But i saw a YouTube clip about the bimini knot..... That's where i got the idea for tighter twists and pulling the loop back for even more tension I think im happy with this knot... The water jugs are still hanging... Figure ill just let em hang tonight, if i wake up to a wet floor, ill consider a few tweaks
  18. In my excitement, i left a couple of details out: The mono is twisted TIGHT!... So tight that the loop closes on the screw eye... Use a tooth pick to pull the loop open before dabing superglue The thread wrap will not cover all the twists in the mono... Once finished, untwist the left over mono and cut off
  19. Ben, i was thinking the same thing... Just not enough friction to hold this knot... I was ready to give up and consider another solution But now look at this!!! 1) 10 twists with the mono 2) dab of superglue where i want the thread 3) 10 tight wraps with thread 4) dab superglue 5) cut thread tag 6) 20 wraps toward screw eye 7) 20 wraps away from screw eye coat with superglue 9) cut off thread spool 10) test 11) PASS!!!!! Didnt even use epoxy this time, but i liked the look on the last one... So ill add step 12 epoxy HA!!!! In your face thread spool!!!
  20. Attempt number twenty something (or maybe thirty)...... Even coated in epoxy it will not pass my strength test... Hanging 2 gallon water jugs (aprox 16 lbs) the mono pulls out of the thread every time This time i even left a small piece of the mono tag end out of the wrap hoping to gain more friction... No dice Ive started writing down my steps: 1) 10 tight wraps 2) dab superglue 3) cut off thread tag 4) 20 wraps away from screw eye 5) 20 wraps toward screw eye 6) dab superglue (since i cant get the knot right) 7) cut off thread from spool coat with 5 min epoxy 9) test 10) fail I'm not one to give up... But i have to wonder if this is even possible??... Has anyone actually done this with mono??? Or am i doing something wrong???? More wraps? Stronger thread? Thicker mono? Gasoline and matches???
  21. Like it a lot!... Especialy the lid on drying idea I made a cardboard box booth a while back that i had to get rid of when i built my new bench.... Maybe these photos will be of use to you with your hanging solution... The idea was to turn the lures without unhanging... They only hung on hooks, so swinging was an issue.. Im sure alligator clips could be soldered to the clothes hangers, then the lures would stay in place when you store the booth Also i used a table top box fan behind the filter, 15 bucks at Walmart
  22. Is this a cheat code to a video game or something?
  23. JRammit

    PB Rainbow Trout

    Here's a little tip i learned while i was up there: Just cup your hand under their belly to lift and hold em, it usually calms them down... When u try to grip or squeeze em they freak out
  24. JRammit

    PB Rainbow Trout

    And they dont stop fighting when u get em on shore!.... Ive probably lost more off the bank than i have in the water
  25. JRammit

    PB Rainbow Trout

    You beat my pb by an inch... And i fished Colorado for 8 years! I love trout fishing!... Theyre not big, but theyre fast and pretty!
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