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Everything posted by JRammit

  1. I got the LC soft also... Id say the floating is more versatile, I made a craw bait (in the gallery) with bulbous round claws rather than the flat ones you see on most other baits.. The big claws actually float above the bait making it stand up on the bottom...... You can always add salt if you want the plastic to sink
  2. Id say depends on what youre making...... And i could b wrong on this, but i think floating plastic is softer....
  3. JRammit

    dragonfly popper

    Tested today... Every problem i anticipated happened... Hard to keep it right side up cause the wings wont let it roll over... Even though i weighted it in the rear to keep the front up, wings still make it dive... But, it casted better than i expected........ Back to the drawing board, not giving up on the dragonfly, but have an idea for a different design.... Give me a couple weeks and hopefully ill have somthin to show!
  4. Yes... But its the only one ive used, so i cant compare it to any others... I got "pourasol" soft, im happy with it!... I inject and open pour with it... No complaints!..... Plus, you can get almost anything else you need from them rather than ordering from multiple sites, saves alot on shipping!
  5. Save name="fishnart" post="236453" timestamp="1428982519"] I didn't realize it was a common issue, so I really didn't think to do a search on it. OK, that's all I wanted to know, I was just curious, thanks a ton Me either... I dont think anyone would until they actually experienced the problem... So thanks!
  6. JRammit

    Frog Wake Bait

    ^^ x2 ^^.... I dig it!.. Maybe a single hook to thread the trailer onto
  7. JRammit

    20150412 232010

    Looks flawless!... Looks like i need an airbrush!
  8. JRammit

    dragonfly popper

    Thanks!... Havnt tested yet, i dont expect it to cast well with the wings, but as long as they don't drag it under on the retrieve itll work
  9. Thats why im here!... I just should have actually tested that 3rd mold before i started bragging about it (ha ha!)... I love any and all input!... This site is great!!! Im half way between new and experienced, and ive received ALOT of good advice here, so wanted to contribute something back
  10. Beat me to the punch!... That was my next trouble shoot........ But i didnt think about the other molds being of slimmer baits, makes since And i remelt all my scraps, so nothing wasted.. And i now have a convenient reservoir to catch it all rather than peeling it off my desk
  11. JRammit

    dragonfly popper

    Not sure why all my pics come out blurry when i upload?????
  12. JRammit

    dragonfly popper

    Wings cut out from old milk jug... Should be just strong and flexibke enough to work.... Excuse the paint job, not my best attribute
  13. Same with this single cavity, perfect worm every shot........ Maybe i just got lucky on these molds... Thought i was onto somthin!
  14. Thats kinda the idea behind the reservoirs, i try to push enough plastic through to evacuate any bubbles, and any hollow spot or shrinkage gets back filled by plastic in reservoirs and pipe Heres the 1st mold i did using this method... 1 shot, 4 perfect baits every time
  15. Tip: the mold in the picture actually gives me problems with bubbles in the middle cavity... I drilled another vent, didnt help....... Previous molds only had one vent connected to all the cavities, worked much better! Not 1 single bad bait out of those molds yet!
  16. Ha ha ha!!!!.... Shave the cat!
  17. JRammit

    white crappie glider

    Nice catch!... Corn meal or flour?
  18. If im not the 1st person to do this, feel free to tell me.. But if i am, your welcome! I learned how to make 2 piece plaster molds on YouTube, and all the ones i saw were injected in one side and vented out the other... After a little trial and alot of error i learned if vent holes are too big, too much plastic escapes and baits are left with hollow spots.. If holes are too small, too much pressure builds up and plastic blows out in the mold leaving a ton of flashing to tear off...... So... Tried an experiment and it worked great! Drill a 1/4 inch hole through the top of the mold (starting from bait side) near the end of the bait and connect hole to specified point on bait via dremel (i use an engraving bit).. Flip the mold over and enlarge your hole (i use a 5/8" spade bit) only drilling about 1/2 way through to create a reservoir... Plastic should be injected from same side of the mold as the vent (i also saved $60 on an injector by watching a guy on YouTube use a copper pipe, works great but this method will work with an injector too) Since liquid always levels itself, as long as your injection point and vent are higher than the cavity, it will always be full....
  19. Spy bait??... Thats a new one on me... Thought all prop baits were topwater...... Had to look it up, interesting!
  20. Picture says a thousand words... I was thinking of the center between the belly and the back... All makes sense now....... I use thin strips of wood, 2 for each bait... My center line is where they are glued together......
  21. Didnt mean to hijack the post over something as simple as drawing a line, but why not just run a ruler from nose to tail?? That is a nice lookin bait!.. Wish i could add to the advice, but i havnt got one right yet either... However, im gonna take jigginpig's advice.. Ive seen a few of Vodkaman's videos, not a drop of paint on his baits... If it dont work, it aint finished anyway... Form follows function
  22. I see... Yall are starting out with a "block".. I draft a template on paper, trace onto a flat wood strips and make cut outs..... Was racking my brain trying to figure these methods into my process, but cant fit a square peg in a round hole
  23. Maybe a dumb question, but, i though a compass only drew circles??... Trying to solve the puzzle in my head, but im drawing a blank...
  24. I like this thread!... Puts a face to a name better than a picture of your face.... Heres mine... One day ill build me a shed, but until then the wife stuck me in the corner... Its right by the front door, so i can open it and point a fan out when i melt plastic... No paint booth yet, just spray paint on the back porch and bring im to dry...... Enjoy (ha ha)
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