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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Yea it works best for flat baits but i like to use it to get a general shape and then taper the bait with a dremel and add other details in after.
  2. I have tried this before with some smaller baits and quickly found out that using the router atached to the table was not going to work. After thinking for a while i came up with this system. Take your crankbaits or watever you want to round over and hot glue them to a sheet of 1/4 in plywood or something you can fix them to. You can then use a handheld router and safely route 1 side of a couple baits then flip em over and do the other side. This has worked for me before. There may be a limit with how much you can round over though depending on your bit and thickness of your lure.
  3. Zev

    KINDLE CAMERA 1396224637000

    Bluegill pattern wakebait. 2nd bait carved, first painted. It has rotating hook hangers built in and a twist lock keeper to attach a worm or fluke tail.
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