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Yo Al

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  1. I wish I could offer more help, but my do-it essential series molds are painted with Duplicolor engine enamel with ceramic. It works great on them. I used Ford gray and use M-F plastic.
  2. I'm having the same issue using whatever browser my Samsung tablet calls Internet. No big deal till you figure it out.
  3. I've used MF 5.0 the last 2 years and it's been my favorite of the few plastisols I've used. I haven't had any issues with it. Can anyone who has used it compare it to other plastisols? I don't know whether to switch or stock up. I never tried their regular plastic, but I heard it gets oily after time. 5.0 hasn't had this issue for me. I use soft and medium. Thanks, Al.
  4. Yo Al

    Doll Flys

    For small jigs I heat them holding the hook bend with pliers. Before I dip them I grab the eye with smooth jaw long nose pliers from Harbor Freight. I use 3 of them and alternate them so they stay cool. As long as the pliers are cool the powder doesn't stick to the eye. A bit tedious but it works for me. Hope this helps.
  5. The claws on the 3.75" are a lot bigger than the claws on the 3". Maybe 1.5 times as big.
  6. That craw is on tackle warehouse. Bizz Baits makes it. On their website they also sell the bts 702 which makes me think bts custom made this mold.
  7. Use the soft as is and see how many more fish you catch.
  8. I agree with Monte SS 100%. I have one injector dedicated to glass beads, a Caney Creek (now do-it). It's well worth the wear for the final product. I also recommend a silicone cup as the beads scratch Pyrex too. I also agree with Smallmouthaholic that glass beads shouldn't be run through a shooting star system. I could imagine damage not only to the injector but the pots and valve assembly. Overall I love this for baits I want weighted and transparent.(Now that I have the right media)
  9. Did you top off the mold with more hot plastic as it cooled? It looks more like drawing air down the sprue than air in the injector to me. Pouring plastic into the injector works just as well as drawing it from the cup for me.
  10. You can also try tilting the mold slightly as you pour those cavities.
  11. The stuff I bought from Harbor Freight says glass bead on the box and I had the same results as Mark. The one I bought from Amazon was from American Abrasive Supply-#80 mesh. Check out reviews on Harbor Freight for their glass beads. There are a lot of complaints that they switched to crushed glass at some point and still sell it as beads
  12. I would advise everyone to not get glass bead from Harbor Freight. Their newer stock of it is crushed glass not beads. One of my injectors is very gouged from using the crushed glass. I switched to glass bead from Amazon. It is much easier on the injector and makes a much clearer bait than the Harbor Freight stuff.
  13. I would buy some. Thanks Ben and Curt
  14. One of the molds I received today had the vent side sanded heavily. I had the same concerns so I heated some plastic and shot it. No issues at all. Worked perfectly. Btw my mold was a 3" 702 craw 4 cavity
  15. Dave- I would try a paste wax for a release agent. It works well for body filler and polyester resin. I think it might help even out the surface irregularities of the ABS too.
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