Hi guys first post here at TU. I was just wondering if anyone has experience using this stuff? Its says that it is an acrylic coating. I have been using spray laquer in between coats until i ran out. So now i bought this on a wimb instead. Im not sure what the difference is between a laquer clear, and an arylic clear, enamel clear, and varnish. Maybe someone can answer that on the side for me. Heres the product i am referring to... http://www.krylon.com/products/uvresistant-clear-coating/
I paint spinner blades for walleye rigs and some plastic cranks. My intetnions were to only use this stuff as a barrier between paint coats, but after seeing how strong it is, i am debating not even putting a real clear over it like you would with etex, dc2t, or any auto, or mcu product. The gloss is just as good if not better than etex and feels the same as well. I was amazed. I figure if i put like 5-7 coats on the blades, it should stand up to the elements, but just wanted your opinions. It says non yellowing and uv resistant, but i just want to hear about real life results. Does it yellow?
Also, while i was on the Kryon website, i notice a couple other things that sparked my interest..Anyone with experience with these products feel free to chime in.
Low odor clear finish. It says that its a latex enamel. How does this differ from acrylic and laquer?
Colormaster paint and primer acrylic crystal clear.
This stuff here really surpised me. Urethane coating in a spray can...? Anyone?
What do you guys use for your "in between" coats?
Also, unrelated question, are you guys preping the metal on spinners before you lay paint onto them? If so what is the common practice for it? ive heard some sand the surface, and one person said to use self etching primer. Personally i have yet to see a need to do anything. I just clean the finger oil off the metal surface and then paint.