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  1. Thank u cadman. Very good stuff. I guess like everything else it's a case of trial and error. I truly appreciate u and small jaws input on this.
  2. Smalljaw you are the man! Thank u so much again for the great info.I didn't even have a clue where to get paint like that or how to apply it as you stated! Thanks again. I got one other question for you that's probably been discussed before but I seem to have trouble with my powder paint. I have the weedless brush jig doit mold and I either get to much paint on the eyes or it might be bc I'm dipping them directly into the powder jar but when I bake my jigs in a toaster over even at lower temps/time then protec says to I got closed up hook eyes or lumps of paint on the botoms of the jigs from hanging you no. Let's say i made 10 jigs in a batch about 4 or 5 would be fishable. That ratio is not good at all. I have a homemade fluid bed set up just haven't used it yet bc i was just getting started and learing how to do everything but I want better quality and better consistency. Will using the fluid bed solve thoes 2 problems?I would mix the paint every jig I dipped so the powder was loose also. Plz any wisdom would be great!
  3. Hey tu. Had to make a new username to start this topic. Don't ask ha anyway I seen on various social media like Instagram people promoting there own jigs, and I ran across some that have like a crackle paint finish on the jig heads,like for furniture is the best way I can describe it. Like a two tone affect to it. I don't no if it's powder paint or just custom airbrushing. Does anyone no what the hell I'm trying to describe if so any information/where i can purchase this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
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