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Everything posted by walleyeking

  1. I don't know exactly, but I have used about 3.5 gallons of crystal clear and 12.5 gallons of essential. I like the essential better because it seems to take heat better without yellowing and I feel like it has more stretch too it.
  2. Mark, that's a possibility. I'll give it a try next time I make some.
  3. Right on cami. The tube in these has extra plastic tubing too. They look awesome and catch fish but you really can't remove the jig wich is how I fish them. I just cut the jig line and leave the jig in.
  4. It's mylar tubing from Walmart. Just the cheap stuff in the craft dpt. It comes 3 colors to a pack. They only have one size and it fits perfect in Do-it 3.5" swim shad and I think that's the super stinger. I also did some in bts drop shad. Just lay it in close and shoot. I'll try to upload a pic of some I made in the gallery.
  5. I've caught fish on plastic same day I poured them, so I don't worry about the smell. It does go away after awhile.
  6. It's the same with the Do-it essential plastic all you need to do is rotate the box a few times. If you shake the heck out of it you will get bubbles. If you are gentle with it not so bad. I am thinking of trying baitjunkys next time he has a deal just to see the difference 1st hand. I only buy Do-it because I can stop on my way home from work and not pay shipping.
  7. I use Do-it X2 for both purple and chartreuse and shoot the same color and have never had purple bleed into the chartreuse. I also have some indigo from jacobs that I think is an MF color and have no problems with that either.
  8. The only thing I heat is my blending block. I have the Do-it duel injector. And I always have gloves and long sleeves on so I guess I'm not worried about shooting the tip off and burning myself. I don't have to push on it so hard to get plastic to come out that i would accidently pop the tips off. I heat my plastic in a Pyrex cup with no lid. Do the rest of you guys have locking lids on your Pyrex cups too, so you can spill them? I've spilled out of the cup way more than out of the injector.
  9. I really like my Do-it injectors too. I don't really care for the locking pins either. I can't remember the last time I pushed the tip out without doing it on purpose. It's not like they just fall out.
  10. I would say it depends on what kind of fish your fishing. I fish walleyes and crappies and a lot of my baits are clear with different pearl powders, hi lights, or glitter color. Colorants I use most are black, some version of brown, purple, chartreuse, green, motor oil.
  11. It no longer exists. Do-it bought CC and now sells all their products.
  12. The essential series plastisol works just fine for me and isn't dull when shot it a cnc mold. It is not made for just the essential series molds that turn out dull because they are sand cast. It is possible that you will get a dull finish if you don't heat it to 350 degrees so the plastic doesn't make a complete change over. Also you will get a yellow tint if you heat it 2 fast or over heat it.
  13. https://store.do-itmolds.com/mobile/45-Ring-It-Worm-2-cavity_p_1115.html
  14. I don't own them but lurecraft and bass tackle both have a 3.5" that looks real close.
  15. Lots of that stuff works. I've used powder paint for jigs and pearlex makes some real cool colors. Automotive paint additives like pearls also works in plastic. Just don't use anything water based and experiment with that kind of stuff.
  16. Try Bobs or bass tackle. Looks like an open pour.
  17. It only works with single cavity. You can just shoot the mold with scrap and leave all cavities full exept one. Now it's like you just have a one cavity mold. It takes some messing around to determine how much of each color to use but you can get fairly consistent.
  18. I remember bait junkies was talking about making it but don't think he ever did. Might be worth asking him, he's been making all kinds of new stuff members on their forum ask for.
  19. I do both and NO not all molds can be duel injected. I should say they can be but with some configurations it would be side by side lamanated not bottom and top. I like the duel injector as long as I want the whole bait laminated but other baits I don't care for tails to be lamanated so I use the plate on them. You need to keep the blending block warm for best results also. As far as cons. The only real con to me besides that it's more things to do at one time keeping 2 colors hot is that you waste more plastic with the duel injector. All your sprues will be lamanated to so there's no remelting them to reuse unless you like the color they make mixed together. Just my opinions here, but I think both ways have their time and place.
  20. Walking dead when they messaged me back they said they had alot of changes going on and hadn't updated anything on their website. I don't think they have a current web page.
  21. I messaged them on FB and they are now called maverick baits and don't do hand injection.
  22. I seem to have better luck with reheats if I cut the peices smaller so the plastic can heat more evenly. I do 8 oz at most though.
  23. I don't know for sure, but I really doubt Berkley let's unpainted baits go out. I think the best you can hope for is a similar knock off bait. Others here know more about this than I do though, I'm sure they'll jump in.
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