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Everything posted by riverotter

  1. its a mix of createx wicked Laguna blue and auto air blue.
  2. you make some awesome looking baits. Some day I'm going to carve a few of my own. Hope they come out half as nice as yours.
  3. never tried da and acetone wish someone would have told me that before I threw several brushes away lol..
  4. I tried it I just cant get the deep shine I get with epoxy or automotive clear.. dipped em 3 times and there shiny but not deep shine like these.
  5. rayburn guy. try using a 1/2 in vinyl brush. you can get em at wal mart they have a blue handle, and come in a pack of 3 or 4. I just throw the others away unless you have another use for them. clean it with lacquer thinner when done. I been using the same brush for a month and have probably cleared over 300 baits with it. if you must thin your epoxy just heat it up a little with a hair dryer or heat gun.
  6. never tried etex but can clear 8 1.5s before devcom sets. one coat and done no turner just let hang to dry. no runs no dry spots either. the key is the brush you use to apply it with.
  7. I didn't read through all of this to see if its done ben said or not, but the alcohol will cause the epoxy not to harden. you can get by with a few drops but that's it. go over board and you got a bait that wont harden in a year.
  8. guys that are having trouble with wrinkles. try using wicked and auto air paints that should cure your problems.
  9. also the wicked 500 or auto air 4012 has a wait time before it really starts working. best to let it sit for 10 min after mixing. the 4011 or w100 is instant but not as good. if your just spraying a bait it dosent really matter. the w500-4012 is nice if your doing art work tho.
  10. color change from blue to gold
  11. createx wicked, auto air, and illustration paints..
  12. you can use a sponge or paper towel to backflush if you dont want to put the cap back on each time. if your talking about cleaning between colors.
  13. with the 2 prong v cap you can take a paper towel and wipe the needle off when you get tip dry without taking the cap off. best thing ever if your trying to do a bunch of fine line detail work but normally you don't do much of that on crank baits. its still a handy option as opposed removing the cap completely and risking damaging the needle. i don't have the v cap so i just take the cap off and risk it lol. been lucky so far and not ruined a needle.
  14. x2 on the wicked and w500 reducer. by far superior to reg createx. there is no comparison between the two. wicked sprays better, don't peel off when removing masking, and and i like the colors better. also tried reducing wicked with the same method i used for reg. it don't work at all. stuff just beads up on anything you spray it on.
  15. well said in the above post. Wicked sticks so much better and don't pull off when you remove the scale material or put vacuum formed stencils on. paint properly reduced is as or more important than the brush your using. just another good option for someone wanting a new brush. Check out the talon series. You can get them with three tips to do whatever you need.
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