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MO dock boy

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  1. Good input Yo Al. I've noticed that on my junebug protec and didn't ever think to try that.
  2. Is it just me or is translucent copper a PITA to deal with? I'm preheating my jigheads at 275-300. Dipping them in my fluid bed and the copper is going on just like all my other paints. (Powdery and not melting completely, jus sticking) but about half of my jigheads are coming out of my curing oven with the eyes closed full of paint. Is anyone else having/had problems with this paint running really bad? Trying to cure at 300 degrees. It seems like I'm getting it on too thick, but being that it's still powdery before I cure them, I don't know a way to change that? Also thought about mixing it 1/2 and 1/2 with clear. What will that do for me? Less or more runny? I've never used clear. As you all can tell I've got a million different ideas, but can't nail down a precise fix so far. Thanks for any and all input, Rob
  3. Good ideas Fatman and LimpNoodle. Thanks guys.
  4. Hello all, first post for a newbie here! I've just been looking around the site for the past few days reading all I can before I made a welcome post. BUT seeing as how I'm almost out of protec powder paint in several colors and I stumbled across this post tonight I figured I would post. Just for my curiosity, how does this paint compare to protec brand as far as coverage and ease of use etc? I've never used anything besides protec and just recently made my first fluid bed. Just lookin for info! Thanks and all you tackle makers are great! Love this site already! Rob
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