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Everything posted by imagine_studios

  1. Didn't think of that, but a band saw is MUCH faster. Sounds like the band saws have it.
  2. I guess it would depend on the size and shape of the lure. The band saw tends to give straighter cuts since the blade limits the side to side movement of your wood or PVC a little better, but the trade off is, you can't make a tight radius turn as easily on a band saw. The downside to the scroll saw is just the opposite, you can make all the tight turns you want, but it's harder to cut a steady straight line with such a small blade, especially if you've not used one very much. Band saws are typically more expensive than a scroll saw, so that's something to consider as well. I prefer the scroll saw, personally, just because I've got hundreds of hours experience using it. I typically cut just outside the line a little and then sand up to the line, which gets rid of any of the waviness you might encounter. Some guys cut their lip slot using a band saw, which would probably be much easier than using a scroll saw. I use a table saw to cut my lip slots, so I can't speak too much about the ease of doing that using a band saw vs scroll saw.
  3. Beautiful! Thanks again guys. Jason
  4. It kind of seems like it might mess up the action of the lure a bit too, if the hooks were held in a certain position instead of just swaying back and forth like normal. I think they did have a few colors available and might have to experiment in the spring. I guess I wasn't Ting my hooks quite right, I've not bent the points under before, so there's definitely something to try. Thanks Jason
  5. Anyone ever tried using that shrink tubing over the screw eye and split ring to cut down on hook rash? I've heard that reduces the rash issues with constantly trolling your lures, and also increases your likelihood of hooking a fish, but that sounds like a bit of a sales pitch from the guys wanting to sell me the tubing... I know you can "T" bend the hook, which seems to help, but maybe with both things in place it will make a bigger difference. I won't be able to test the theory until next spring, so I thought I'd check to see if any of you had tried it and how successful it was. Thanks Jason
  6. This is great! I think I was over thinking it. I tried putting a slotted screw in my drill and using that to turn the screw eyes in, but inevitably, the screw eye would consistently walk it's way out of the groove and it turned into more of a hassle. With the hollow tubing, that solves the issue completely. Brilliant!! Jason
  7. I ended up finding a glass vase type thing at the craft store. It was with all the fake flowers, they had vases that were 20" tall. I ended up with a 12" that's about 4" across the top with straight sides, should be just about perfect. Can't beat the price either, $4.97. I had something similar that was 7" tall, but wasn't sure how big of a mess the reverse flip dip would make, so I went with the larger one. Walmart for the pickle jar was the next step if the craft store wouldn't have paid off, but I lucked out. Thanks for the help Jason
  8. Thanks, that sounds like a good idea. Do you know if the container has to be glass? Jason
  9. I've read through many of the GST discussions and have seen where people store their excess in glass jars, but has anyone tried anything else? It comes in a metal can, so it seems like I could store it in a metal container. I'm looking to dip Muskie lures upwards of 11" in length, which makes it a little tricky to find something glass to accommodate that. I've been on the prowl for some sort of glass vase, but haven't had any success finding something tall enough yet. My wife has agreed to donate a glass casserole dish if I can't come up with anything, but it seems like it would be easier to work with if I could stay vertical with my container. Anyone have any ideas? Anyone stored it in anything but glass? Thanks Jason
  10. Very cool idea, I would enjoy seeing those as well. Unfortunately, my then is still my now, so I'll have to wait a bit before I can participate in this one. Jason
  11. Could you drill the hole slightly deeper and leave a bit of space at the top for epoxy to seal things off? I guess that would be a little harder if you're using the hole to measure how much lead goes in... Jason
  12. Thanks Gino, I feel the same way. Many guys say it's not an issue, the screw eyes pulling out, but when they are fishing for bass, they're probably not going to run into one weighing 50lbs. Not to discount what they are saying, the screw eyes could totally hold, but I'm with you, no sense finding out they don't work when you've got a once in a lifetime fish on the other end of the line. Thanks for being bored! Jason
  13. That's almost too pretty to put in the water. Nicely done. I've heard many people mention the comb technique in reference to painting and wasn't entirely sure what they meant, but it makes perfect sense now. Thanks for taking the time Jason
  14. That's one serious tutorial! Thanks very much for all the details, huge help! Jason
  15. Just for kicks, I searched GST, another topic that has several listings and it came up with no results as well. I think dlaery hit it exactly with the 3 letter limitation. Thanks Jason
  16. dlaery, It all makes sense, once it all makes sense. That sounds logical. Jason
  17. Thanks, I saw someone else mention the AZEK name, but it's good to know the reason why that's the best bet. Can't afford hitting any voids along the way. Jason
  18. I have a feeling once the word got out, the average age of those visiting my doorstep would increase by a factor of at least 10. Jason
  19. You're exactly right! I don't get it, but I'll take it. That's a weird one. Thanks! Jason
  20. Would I have been out of line to hand out homemade crank baits at the door? Jason
  21. I'm not sure if this is necessarily the right place to post this, so feel free to move it if needed. Has anyone ever tried to search, "PVC" in the forums before? I've searched hundreds of topics with no issues, until now. I get a message that there aren't any results. I even tried searching in all forums and not just the hard bait area, but get the same message. If I browse through the hard bait forums, there are several topics on PVC, so I don't believe I'm losing my mind, but I've not ruled that out just yet. Jason
  22. You're right, I was thinking of a syringe, but it sounds like I'll be buying many syringes if I try it with the 5 min epoxy. I've got a syringe that came out of a printer cartridge refill kit, but it sounds like I'll need the 30 minute version for that to work. Thanks everyone, as always, very helpful! Gino, I'll check out that tutorial, that sounds like a pretty good option too. My first lure is made of pine, but I know that's not going to hold up very well, it was mostly used as a proof of concept to see if I could figure out how to do it, plus, easy to work with. Now that I've tested things out, I'll probably go with Poplar or PVC and see if I can get either of those going. The Stripersonline info was good too.
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