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Everything posted by imagine_studios

  1. That sounds easy enough for sizing the bit. I was planning to drill it a little deeper than the screw eye goes in, for extra hold and then hopefully find a way to get 5 min epoxy down in there too. Do you think that might be necessary if this bait is to be used for Muskie? Thanks Jason
  2. What size hole do you guys pre drill for your .092 screw eyes? Thanks Jason
  3. I like the embroidery hoop idea, but then if you're fading from one color to another, that might make things a little tougher. I figure I'll go that route for single color, and then try wrapping it for multiple. Thanks! Jason
  4. Thanks for the info about scoring/dimpling, both good ideas!
  5. Holy sweet mother, that's a big post. Being new to the game I just finished reading all of it and greatly appreciate all the trial and error work by everyone, all of this has cut the learning curve WAY down. Ohio still isn't quite as "smart" as California, so we've got GST readily available. Time for a trip to the store. Thanks again guys, great topic! Jason
  6. I'm looking to use the lures I'm making for trolling, so the weight of the lure isn't too big of a concern when it comes to casting, BUT, BobP brings up a valid point too, the action of the lure would be affected by the weight. So many decisions! Jason
  7. I think I'm sold on the PVC, waterproof and holds on to the eyehooks better, sounds like a winner to me. Thanks
  8. Thanks guys, the links and info are much appreciated! I was thinking I'd go with a tougher wood, like poplar, but there's always a trade off, the harder wood is more durable, but also harder to work with. I even thought of using oak, but oak doesn't typically fair all that well with water, but, if it's completely sealed, it may not matter... So many choices! I do like the idea of the PVC decking, I hadn't thought of that. I'll try out the links and see if I can get some ideas going. PS: I didn't realize you could search for specific posts, so I've been wading through millions of entries looking for anything about the screw eyes, so thanks for that too. In case you couldn't tell, I'm a bit new to the forum process. Thanks again guys!
  9. I'm looking to attempt making a few Muskie lures out of wood. For starters, I figured I'd go with the type that's carved out of maybe a 1x3 and shape it accordingly. Something like the attached picture I found online. This type of lure seems like it would work well enough, and still be fairly easy to put together for someone just starting out. I have one question though. Do you think it's necessary to have the wire go all the way through the piece of wood tying all the hooks together? Or, would a long screw eye be sufficient to hold the hooks on? I'm leaning towards running the wire all the way through, but that definitely makes things more difficult. Thanks Jason
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