I have no intention of stopping at this point. I don't give up on things that easy. I was completely aware of all the issues I would be facing before I published CBM. The solution to the fix would be either I get more sponsors, which I have tried hard in doing, or you guys pay a subscription fee to cover the cost. PDF version is great, but the digital version is a lot better. Same thing with subscriptions, they want to preview something that is FREE to subscribe. Or don't want to cause they think their going to get spam mail. I have gotten emails from so many people telling me that they won't cause they say I shouldn't force them too. I'm not forcing you to do anything, I'm giving you a product that takes alot of my time, and those that get featured, and offering it to you for free. I don't need emails accusing me of being like "Our Government " and that I'm forcing people. Then I go and search your forum name and have it show up in 3 to 5 forums on the internet, were you have to provide an email address.
Bottom line guys, I'm not giving up, I love it! Publishing has always been a hobby of mine and have no intention of giving it up. I'm open to ideas, willing to fix the issues I can with in my reach. I hope you guys enjoy the Anniversary Issue coming up. Deadline to submit your stuff whether it's an article or bait pictures is February 24, 2016.
Thank you guys again for the feedback and for supporting this project.
Chuy Jr