There is a very healthy largemouth population where I fish in Georgian Bay, Ontario. The problem is that there are a lot of pike, too. I get tired of losing jigs to toothy little pike. So, last year I started using a plastic coated wire leader on my jigs. It didn't affect my catch rate or the size of largemouth that I caught at all. I make my own leaders. Instead of using a snap on the end that attaches to the jig, I attach the leader permanently using a leader sleeve. The problem is on the other end of the leader where I tie my line. Last year, I used a split ring. The problem is that the split ring catches a lot of weeds, ruining the presentation. So, I tried a barrel swivel. It was better, but not by much. So, I'm looking for an alternative. Here's the best option I've found.
I know these will still catch some grass. But, I bet a whole lot less than the split ring or barrel swivel. Anyone have any experience with these heavy duty swivels? I wonder if the smallest one, 150 pound test, will be too big?
Thanks for any help you can offer!