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AZ Fisher

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Everything posted by AZ Fisher

  1. I personally wouldn't use those.^^^^^ As expensive as KBS is, why take a chance and who knows how it will react with the rubber gasket. When my mason jar lid got stuck I just poked a couple holes in the lid with a dart tip and drained into another jar and kept the new lip and threads cleaner. Mason jars are cheap. You can get a dozen at wallyworld for like $10. You can get wide mouth jars as well. That gal Jekyl on youtube uses a spaghetti sauce jar for her KBS. Just my .02
  2. Saran wrap, fold over 3-4 times, spread tight, screw on lid. Use a new piece when necessary. Wipe lip clean every time after using. This is what has been working for me.
  3. I have saltwater plastisol + hardener coming to attempt this same thing. I made a POP injection mold. I have used medium plastisol + hardener in the past for a tail on a glide bait and it worked with some success. While the tail still had some "Flop" to it, the bait still swam great. The tails did not deform when stored in a box or a bait wrap, if they did deform a little, a few minutes in the sun cured that. While this worked, I'm still looking for a stiffer or more ridged solution. I have also purchased some Alumalite Flex 30 to try as well, but haven't used it yet. I have heard some guys have used silicone from a tube. Let us know what you decide on and how it goes.
  4. I bought some card stock at a local OfficeMax. I used a template from Avery.com that was the approximate size of the backing card I wanted and printed them on my printer, front and back. Cut them myself with a paper cutter. While they weren't totally professional, customers didn't seem to care as they had all the appropriate info. Card stock was less than $20, plus printer ink and your time.
  5. http://www.lurepartsonline.com/Online-Store/Sinker-Molds/Bell-Sinker-Mold-BL-9-AB.html Add the insert into the mold and pour.
  6. AA, I didn't know the activity search was there until I saw you direct someone there. The regular search worked well until the website change or update a couple of years back.
  7. I have noticed when I use the search in the upper left corner of the screen, I tend to get "0" results. Then if I remove the "+" symbol from between the key words and hit search again I will get results. If using the search from under the "Activity" heading , it tends to work better. I wonder how many new guys try the upper left search and get no results, hence the same common questions over and over.
  8. I have purchased mine thru LPO, Lure Parts Online. I was able to buy Xylene for thinning at my local Lowes.
  9. Mark, I think you might find after fishing that one coat isn't enough. It looks great but after bumping anything in the water or shore, I grind cranks a lot, it starts to come off pretty easy, just my experience. Two coats, for me, seems exponentially better. For the build-up in the hook hangers, I like a small razor knife and try to slice around each half of the hanger, just below where it meets the bottom of the bait. Then use a small piece of wire or I have had good luck with a dart tip from a dart board, to push out or remove the excess KBS. I've found if you don't score around the circumference of the hanger, the KBS can tear a little when removed and leave room for water intrusion into the bottom of the bait. Like dmdrh above, I have used a drill bit to clear a hook hanger hole, but not a line tie, for fear of causing a burr the could cut the line. On my swimbait Rats and Glides with larger screw eyes, I will use a small piece of blue painters tape and wrap the hanger. I make sure to loosely wrap it so I can make sure the two halves of tape come together in the center of the hole, kind of sealing it off. Remove tape carefully with the aid of a razor knife to make a clean edge. This hasn't worked so well on smaller baits. This is probably excessive for personal baits, but it makes for a clean look and a good seal. Just my two cents....
  10. I use smooth cast 300, no experience with the 305. You will need to add some micro balloons if you don't want the bait to sink like a rock. Sent you a PM
  11. I've had this happen and I removed the thickened stuff and added a little more Xylene to thin it out again and put it in a new jar. I bought a dozen pint mason jars at Wallyworld for about $9 I think. I have had the lid on one get stuck so bad I could not get it off. Just pop a few holes in the lid and pour into a new jar. I have had good luck since just keeping the jar lip clean and no plastic wrap. Adding Bloxygen to the jar when you seal it back up will help keep it from going off as well.
  12. I think I've heard guys use high temp RTV silicone. I know my buddy uses it in his lead molds and that's a much higher temp.
  13. There are a couple threads in the Homebrew Tools section on this subject as well.
  14. Here is some info on them. Don't know about knockoffs.
  15. I honestly don't know. I did not specify kiln dried when I asked if they could get cedar. Next time I'm there I'll ask, I know that doesn't help now.
  16. Brian, I order Western Red Cedar from my local Lowes and it comes in in about a week. I get 2x6x8's, rough cut and cut them down to the size I need. I think last time I ordered they were 15-20$ a stick. Don't know about the link to the supplier. Hope you find what you need!
  17. I do a couple of tackle swap meets every year, selling some new but mostly used tackle and gear. I'm always shocked at what you think is going to sell like crazy just sits there and some of the after thought stuff sells like hotcakes. Just never know.
  18. The green TT pliers are what I use for my big swimbait 2X split rings, size 7 and 8. They should help you quite a bit.
  19. 2 piece rat body is about 5-1/2 inches long, plus tail and weighs between 1.75- 2.00 ounces. I use Stainless Steel (.092) Muskie hardware from LPO. You can get lips there also. Wicked paint and KBS clear coat. http://www.lurepartsonline.com/Online-Store/Plug-Hardware/
  20. I use Western Red Cedar for my rats, it gives a lively swim. Poplar will work as well, IMHO. Good luck, rats are fun!!
  21. https://www.ebay.com/itm/50pcs-Durable-Fishing-Treble-Hooks-Covers-Case-Bonnets-Caps-Protector-Set-New/371706901397?epid=2137516140&hash=item568b753395:m:mxOagphA3vhxNKaxGfkA9HA This is what I have purchased. They're dirt cheap with free shipping, and work well, but it takes forever to get them shipped from China, up to 4 weeks. Make sure of the sizes you want and order twice as many as you need. I haven't found any that fit 1/0 and up from this buyer. Good luck!
  22. Try the wire baits section, you'll have better luck getting an answer there. Welcome to TU!
  23. I bought some of that foil on Ebay. Check Hot Stamp Holographic Foils. I think the aluminum foil is to help the transfer foil pop or it helps hide spots where the foil didn't transfer well. Check fingernail foils as well.
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