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Everything posted by fshng2

  1. fshng2

    Callibaetis Spinner

    Really like the wings, I never saw this technique used before. Did you come up with this?
  2. fshng2

    The Troll Hair Hopper

    I humbly thank you for your service. Nice fly. I too am always looking for unique tying material for fly tying. I even have my wife looking.... ha ha. It would be an interesting thread to see what unique things tiers use. For bodies I have tried silver duct tape, craft foam, flip-flops, beer tabs shaped with woven silver braid over, embroidery floss, cat/dog hair, and dubbing from rug yarn. I have even cut open old bungee cords for rubber legs.
  3. Contact Curt-RI TU Admin he would know. Shoot him an e-mail. To find him go to leaderboard/open arrow at top right/open Top Members/scroll down to find ...he is #20
  4. fshng2

    top poon

    Nice job. Reminds me of Ming Dynasty type armor. I have to ask.... what is the red area in back?
  5. fshng2

    Lure Eyes

    Nice work how long is that bad boy? Got to be at least 12 ". What are you targeting?
  6. LPO offers a one time discount the first time you place an order. I believe it was 10%. I called them to place order so I knew I was getting the discount . Hope this helps.
  7. Nice looking Crease Fly. Looks like you'll be filling up that new box. Are you using EZ-Braid over the body?
  8. Nice mold work & paint. When you pour does it include a lip slot or do you cut slot later?
  9. fshng2

    MHX Fly

    Nice, like the Cork and Buffalo Nickel. Do the blanks come with ferrules like that?
  10. fshng2

    Conversion !

    Salty, what type feather do you use for the yellow wing?
  11. fshng2

    Butt Ugly !

    Deadly pattern/colors on browns.
  12. Ron try flea bay just checked. Bare jigs are available in 1/8 oz and up. Search Ultra Minnow Jig Heads. These are molded from do it molds and can be made with many style hooks. Hope this helps.
  13. fshng2


    Thanks. The body is made of craft store sheet foam.
  14. Wow that bait can wag...great idea!
  15. fshng2


    Nice...what are the tails made of?
  16. Nice carving and painting, well done.
  17. Nice profile,carving and painting, well done.
  18. fshng2


    Crawdads are favored by many fish and humans alike for their delicious taste.
  19. fshng2

    Zoo Cougar

    Thanks for the kind comment.
  20. Thanks for the info saltydog... again great pattern.
  21. Nice pattern saltydog. I am thinking this would work really well for large brown trout and saltwater stripers. I notice you use some really long hooks; what hook is this?
  22. Fatman those are some outstanding jigs! I have never used rabbit only deer hair. The rabbit looks a little like marabou, and I bet it moves much the same?
  23. Wow you have quite a nice stash. Have any pics of finished jigs?
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