Les how deep do you typically fish them?
Colors change the deeper you go because more wavelengths are absorbed by the water.
Red becomes orange then yellow then green and so on.
I remember diving around 60 ft and cutting my hand on coral. I was freaked out when seeing my blood was green. Back on the boat I felt relieved that my blood was a bright red color. Had no idea at the time that depth changes color.
Other factors that affect light in the water, which changes the color that fish see.
Times that are cloudy vs sunny, calm vs choppy . Calm water reflects light while choppy absorbs light into the water.
The time of day affects the angle of the sun; dirty vs jin clear water all affect the amount of light that gets into the water.
Les, so whatever your fish sees may not be as Butt Ugly as what we see.
This might explain why the same bait works better on different days.