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Everything posted by fshng2

  1. All Wax Types Are Not Created Equal The type you probably need is Modeling Wax: A wax that easily softens by the heat of your hands. It is suitable for modeling much the same way you would work clay. Traditional modeling wax has a low melting point (around 125°F) . FYI Wax Overview: http://rotblattsculpture.com/Articles/waxanoverview.html Wayne you may be on to something with your idea about wax to make a lure without a seam. 1. Shape your lure from wax or at least the outside surface. 2. Suspend the lure shape in the box by the tail or bill slot with a nail. The nail will become the future spru runner. 3. Pour in the mold material. 4. Pull the nail out of the cured mold and heat mold to remove wax. 5. Determine by trial and error if a slit near the runner is needed to remove the final lure shape.
  2. Actually a good idea! Kind of like lost-wax casting.
  3. Great find...very impressive offerings. Check this one out. Punch in sizes and out comes prices! http://www.impact-mfg.com/store/index.asp
  4. Try painting a scrap practice sample the same way. If it works you are good to go!
  5. Great find Ravenlures! Are these the ones? https://www.clearbags.com/box/clamshell?product_list_dir=desc
  6. When shipping charges are high. I try to buy for future needs as well, and invite friends to jump on the order too!
  7. Quote from crappiemasters.net "We noticed that fishermen preferred bigger hooks in their jigs," says Wade Mansfield of the Grizzly Jig Company. "Many 1/32-ounce jigs come with a #6 hook. We pour our standard 1/32-ounce with a bigger #4 hook and the 1/16- and 1/8-ounce heads with a #2 hook and that seems to better fit what most crappie fishermen prefer. They want a good quality hook that's sized for crappie."
  8. fshng2

    My redesigned Bull Head

    Sweet build.....what species are they targeting.
  9. Nice fish, and the thrill of catching it on a lure you made!
  10. Check jig hooks in the crappiemaster link. http://www.crappiemasters.net/home/member-articles/300-the-right-hook Eagle Claw long shank hooks. 1. 574 light wire 2. 630 heavy wire 3. L2831 http://www.luremaking.com/catalogue/catalogue-index/catalogue-items/hooks/574-hook.htm Note: Verify if these will fit your molds before ordering. 4. VMC 9131 O’Shaughnessy jig hook
  11. fshng2

    Hook size

    Give Barlow's Tackle a shout.....they are happy to help. http://www.barlowstackle.com/Eagle-Claw-Jig-HooksbrStyle-500BP-Lil-Nasty--P3244.aspx
  12. So does this make it a Killer Lure?
  13. How many Stars do they get for quality? "Poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten”.
  14. Save a few bucks on used molds and other tools. Post a request on this web site in the Classifieds.
  15. For small quantities of cards you could use cardstock and print them on your own printer.
  16. For The Hobbist 1. Make your own packaging with thermoform plastic sheets. 2. This system can also be used to make molds masks for painting lures. http://www.widgetworksunlimited.com/Vacuum_Formers_s/35.htm
  17. For Cards do a search for a printer in your area. They can customize to fit your needs. You want them to print on cardstock and have them cut to your finished size requirement. Tip: Give them a sample of your packaging and tell them to cut to fit.
  18. fshng2

    Hook size

    Thanks Smalljaw good to know they are stronger with better quality. I will have to try some EC 500BP's. FYI No need to e-mail EC when Barlow's makes choosing hooks easy depending how you search. Some ways they do this is to show quality pictures of hooks next to a ruler; also by type, manufacturer, size, heavy or light wire and some with approx wire diameters if they get molded. They also list prices, quantities and if they are in stock.
  19. fshng2

    Hook size

    I snagged this pic from Google which I found to be courtesey of Barlow's Tackle. Cudos to Barlow's for making choosing hooks easy depending how you search. Some ways they do this is to show quality pictures of hooks next to a ruler; also by type, manufacturer, size, heavy or light wire and some with approx wire diameters if they get molded. They also list prices, quantities and if they are in stock.
  20. Ha ha. Loose Lips Sink Ships! Since it was your idea, I'll let you tell em.
  21. Agree gaspumper. As long as the U shape goes around the hook it doesn't matter which way it is orientated. Face the open eye to the front like the picture. This prevents loosing the blade. This is such a great idea. Painter1 should submit it to Do- it Mold as a product improvement.
  22. Jthod nice Hybrid Bass, how big do they get? I am really getting into the underspins, and you can't beat the Painter1 mod.
  23. Thanks for the info and pics. Nice work! Do the blades hold up better with PP vs painting?
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