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Everything posted by fshng2

  1. That is sooo great that your Dad and Uncles are helping you resurrect these original family patterns. For you the time that you spend with these guys will forever be remembered as special.
  2. Congrats Dave, I am sure no easy task. I noticed the newer model is better dressed too!
  3. fshng2


    That thing is a hunting machine!
  4. fshng2

    Glo paints

    Striped Candy thanks for posting "Glow paints rely on a certain thickness to properly charge. It may be you don't have a thick enough layer." I watched a video on you tube today where they were dipping glow paint 3X. They also said any more than 3X and the benefit is diminished. I wasn't sure why they were dipping so much, but what you said explain it.
  5. You are welcome. TU has helped me alot, feels good to give something back.
  6. fshng2


    Very realistic, nice work! Did you foil the gizzard shad ?
  7. fshng2

    Glo paints

    I just found out Pro-Tec sells Super Glow Powder. It's suppose to be 5X brighter. I found this on tjstackle.com Pro-Tec Super Glow Powder Paint The Super Glow's are here!! There is no better powder paint than the Pro-Tec brand. Pro-Tec's new Super Glow powder paint has a brighter, longer lasting glow than standard glow powder paints with the same easy, no-mess application. Pro-Tec Super Glow Paint can be used as a single coat cover or over a white base coat. The manufacturers indicated the there is a longer, brighter glow if you use a white base coat. Pictures with a white base coat are displayed below. Available in 6 different super glow colors. Charging Tips: Super Glow paints will need to be charged for an extended period of time to achieve maximum glow duration. 30 minutes minimum. The best lighting sources for charging Super Glow powder paints are those that are rich in the ultraviolet and blue light spectrum. In order of effectiveness, these are sunlight, quartz-halogen, mercury vapor, black light, fluorescent, and least effective, incandescent.
  8. fshng2

    Glo paints

    Pro-tec has 8 colors that glow. For best results coat with white then bake before top coating with glow color. Glow colors tend to be a bit transparent.
  9. Good to know, how long does it take to ship?
  10. This was copied from TJ's web site. Looks like it works by heating the part, then spraying. Powder Paint Spray Gun Instructions / Troubleshooting Instructions for Use Heat the part to be painted in a preheated oven at 350–400° F for approximately 5 minutes. A small propane torch or heat gun can also be used by holding the part with a needle nose pliers or by hanging on a fine wire and moving back and forth over the flame for a few seconds. Immediately after heating, hold or hang part sideways to allow spraying in a horizontal direction. Hold gun tip 4–6 inches from metal surface and spray in a sweeping motion. The powder will adhere immediately and flow into a smooth finish. If metal has cooled to the point where the powder does not flow out completely, return piece to oven or wave the back side of piece over a torch flame until desired effect is achieved. More paint can be added as necessary. For maximum durability, cure painted part by hanging it in an oven for 15 minutes at 350° F. Unused powder can be stored in covered jars. To change colors, simply blow out plastic tube and attach a new jar. Fill jars only half full for best results. To eliminate dust, work in front of an open cardboard box lying on one side with a vacuum hose inserted into a hole cut in the bottom side. The airflow created by the vacuum will keep powder in the box.
  11. Yep and you don't have to order alot.
  12. 1. I mentioned to use Loctite gel in the blue bottle to firmly attach the stick-on eyes first. 2. Second option, use eyes with posts. Trim post to proper length. Put a little Loctite on the post and press in. Lisa & Ed's offer a large variety of color and size in eyes with posts. http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pcs/click?xai=AKAOjsvFZVPx2R87gZy38mBbpsb4MhmiU1x9YgF6Zo9_qlxzDryY_iWCII89xJd5OGXNpkSv4IlUTlOAjlNu6e4jGpFQMcXoTHRTt0JElZ1X7ty5Wa9jnHi1qDrzJHLZtWk5GS3peqSTc-pIUqteJemmRARpfUQQ6yidg_J_1Jr_37VvmLyRH5Q2KofjH4tunF0mf-oswrrOr1L6ieyJU1wiWbPy9nTrxb16bSjOfJo_WbsbrOsBblU&sig=Cg0ArKJSzFEHGlTwk-y3&adurl=http://lisaandedseyes.ipage.com/&nm=2
  13. I get the 3d stick on eyes for streamers, bucktails and lures. I use Loctite gel in the blue bottle to firmly attach. The adhesive is not good on any stick on eye, doesn't matter who sells them. Because Lisa & Ed's also offer a large variety of color and size in eyes with posts. I thought i'd try some on lures and flies next time I order.
  14. Goodwill gets toaster ovens often. I picked up 2 for $24 total.
  15. Thanks Archer.....good find @ $45. This is $25 less than other retailers.
  16. fshng2

    Who sells?

    If you are not familiar with LPO check em out they have alot of what we need. Or what we think we need....ha ha! Oh yea Lure Parts Online gives a 10%DISCOUNT for the first time you place an order . The code is "TUmember10"
  17. You might want to adhere them with super glue gel before top coating. I usually apply a dot of super glue gel to the lure. Then I put the eye over the gel. You may want to practice doing this on something like a dowel before trying it on your lure. Because you only get one chance to get it right. Putting the very edge of the eye on a scapel blade also helps to position it on the gel. I use Loctite Gel Control in the blue bottle. Lowes and Home Depot carry it.
  18. You are welcome. This is their only business so they keep the inventory stocked. Ed is easy to get on the phone, and a good guy to talk to.
  19. fshng2

    Flutter Jig.jpg

    Definitely a long caster that self flutters on the fall. A 4 oz chunk of metal with an aerodynamic profile. Thanks
  20. Check Lisa & Ed's eyes. http://lisaandedseyes.ipage.com You can order small quantities, lots of sizes and quick shipping. They are one of our vendors.
  21. How cool is that ... personalized spinner hardware. He must have caught a fish.
  22. fshng2

    Blue Back Baitfish

    Hook: Gammakatsu SL12 size 1/0 Body: Synthetic tied over folded (triangle shaped) Mylar braid Accent: Pearl mylar Tail: Two white schlappen
  23. Do you also make your own mold/blanks?
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