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  1. Wel i went ahead and got a little cheap hot pot works good for what im doing
  2. Hey guys whats the recommended humidity % level to pour hard resin baits mixed with micro-balloons? Humidity has been around the 50-70% level here and i feel kinda uncomfortable to pour baits because i don't want to end up with a bad batch of baits.
  3. Not sure where to put this but i was wondering what are some decent melting pot machines thats around 50-60bucks? It doesnt have to be top notch or anything, i just need one to make some lead weights for my lures, they are about 25grams per lead, thanks
  4. Are all these plastisol lidquid all clear? How do i get them to be white like the stuff Huddleston uses? And would the medium work best for swimbaits?
  5. Im also looking to do a lead mold for the enternal harness that holds a top jig hook, what can I use to make the mold, plaster of paris or automotive bondo? Or what can I use to make the mold?
  6. Wallyc14 is he a member in here how do I get in contact with him?
  7. Hi im looking to do a fun project, just for experiment, i know a cnc mold would probably be a best choice but was wondering if a 2 piece silicone mold would be useful for pouring baits with soft plastic liquid? And im also wondering what are some good soft plastic liquid i can use to pour ? Im making small little swimbaits and looking for materials like similar to a huddleston swim shad, im wanting to paint it afterwards thanks in advanced !
  8. Matt i have been using a two piece mold and making them out of resin, it just takes too much time im now looking to turn up a notch on production
  9. Anything else i should know before contacting a company ?
  10. Jdeee thanks for the response, thats what i was thinking about on the patent. Theres stuff similar out there but it'll be my version of it.
  11. Im really looking at getting a mold made here in the US, i dont like to support forein places just my opinion. About the patent, is it really nessasry if im dealing with companies here in the US? I know it's good to have one but then again is the injection molding company really going to take it and start selling of my design? Fill me in i want to know the worst before the goods
  12. And would you need to have a patent for your lure before sending them a design to work with?
  13. Dingerbaits, do you know how much (estimate) would a bait cost after having the mold made?
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