Thanks Curt! I would just like to let everyone know that I will put out 6 issues for our first year. Whether we get advertisers or not. We got enough bait makers to fill the magazine. One thing I would like to let everyone know is that if you would like to contribute an article you can do so for one issue or 2 or 3 or all 6. Just send in your article by February 15, 2015 for the first issue. Also if you just poured new baits, or painted cranks, or made a new fly or rod, send in your pictures with a short description and will add them to the magazine. just write on the title "pic" in the email and will get them downloaded.
I got several emails stating that this has been tried and it didn't go anywhere, or they came out with 2 issues and done. That's not me, I have been working on this for 2 years, and I myself make my own baits. I have published 4 magazines in my life time so I have the experience. Support this magazine, its all about what you like to do, just like this great website.
So check your IM box, I will sending out request for pictures on upcoming articles or to add you to our bait crafters feature. If you accept you won't regret it. I can only have so many scheduled for the first year. As we complete your interview and story, you will get scheduled for an issue. All covers of the magazine will be from our guest in the publication. So who knows, your bait might just make the cover. After the first year if we feel we are going to do well, we might turn out more than 6 issues for the next year.
Thank you all for reading my post, and for all you that have given me support. Also if you have a small business, I can tell you our advertising fees are the lowest imaginable! All ads will be in full color, no matter the size. This isn't like other journals that give us a spot in an article once a year. Its all about you year round.