I bought the do-it mold GRC-7-A. Which, is the gama swim head mold. I would like to make light wire swim bait jig heads. With the mold I purchased 1/0,2/0, and 3/0 eagle claw L3052 light wire jig hooks. The 1/0 and 2/0 work fine. However, the 3/0 will not fit in the 1/4oz spot. I have the gama 114 and owner 5101 lite wire hooks in 1/0 and they will fit in the 1/16 spot
Even when I try the eagle claw 570 3/0 hook it is slightly crooked. Should I try differnt brands of hooks like the gama 114 in 3/0 or the owner hook? Can I kill out the eye slot further to the right with a dremel?