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About Mbirdsley

  • Birthday 07/06/1985

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  • Location
    Chesaning/Brant Michigan
  • Interests
    fishing, Lure making, hunting, Detroit Tigers Baseball, football, and working on stuff

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  1. I just ordered the 2/0 and 3/0 vmc hooks and 3/0 and 4/0 of the victory hooks from Barlows. They seem to be the only place that Carrie’s them.
  2. That is what I was thinking. I will try the other hooks mentioned first. then decide if that’s the route I want to go with milling out the hook placement on the mold
  3. How much heavier is the 604 hook?
  4. I will try those hooks. On the other plate out of the view of the camera it also says eagle claw 570 or 575 hook. I tried a 3/0 red 570 and it fit better but, the hook is still a tad off center and crooked
  5. I bought the do-it mold GRC-7-A. Which, is the gama swim head mold. I would like to make light wire swim bait jig heads. With the mold I purchased 1/0,2/0, and 3/0 eagle claw L3052 light wire jig hooks. The 1/0 and 2/0 work fine. However, the 3/0 will not fit in the 1/4oz spot. I have the gama 114 and owner 5101 lite wire hooks in 1/0 and they will fit in the 1/16 spot Even when I try the eagle claw 570 3/0 hook it is slightly crooked. Should I try differnt brands of hooks like the gama 114 in 3/0 or the owner hook? Can I kill out the eye slot further to the right with a dremel?
  6. I will try and contact them. I looked through the web site but, didn’t see anything close. there is a mold maker cnc-works on eBay that I sworn had one very similar but, now I don’t see it. there is way more than enough of a market fir these. I might have to just develop a prototype and go from there. I don’t have a spin cast machine though. Just my lee electric ladle
  7. I need a couple molds to produce a 3/4-1 oz walleye jigs ( see picture). I want the jig to look like the picture but, bigger. Do-it does not produce the walleye jig in that size. 5/8 is the largest size in the mold I currently have. I understand it’s going to be more money, like possibly $200-300. Who do you suggest I go through? I need it to make jigs for the Detroit river next spring. The molds would have paid for them selfs already if I had them. im hoping after this next order to have made enough profit to buy them and not use my own money.
  8. Ok thank you. I will get a hold of them. I had 8 bad total and I believe they shorted me 4-5 hooks also.
  9. Mbirdsley

    Bad hooks

    So I had a customer order 100 1/2 oz sickle walleye jigs. The hooks are eagle claws. I go to start pouring them and right off the bat I find 5 hooks that didn’t have the hook eyes formed. I bought from LPO. Is this normal or just the nature of the beast? I guess I should order more than 100 hooks at a time. Luckily the customer agreed to sub in 5 Mustad black nickel hooks
  10. That’s just what the customer wanted. I guess I could have steered him towards disco orange. Eventually I’d have to learn how to do it any how
  11. Thanks, things had started out slow. However, within the last 4 days I’ve sold 100 jigs. Hopefully I’m making more than what I owe in taxes. I still need to get with the tax lady. I was waiting for tax season to be done. I had been kicking around this idea for a while and finally found a job that would allow me to do it. As soon as I get the courage up I’m going to go hit some bait stores up . Bass jigs have been slow but, the season is young. Walleye jigs are going like gang busters. I figured I’d have local sales but, All if mine have been out of state
  12. Your right. I think I was imagining problems that weren’t there as this was my first big sale.
  13. Your right I have no idea what the actual temp is. It’s a 30 dollar one from Walmart that I bought almost ten years ago. So who knows what it’s actually at. when I get more money coming in I will buy a better toaster oven so I did make more jigs. Heating them up just so the paints gets dull did get rid of the running problem. I re-dipped in the candy orange twice after the white. Candy orange was still light after curing. So heated them up again for 4 seconds on each side and re dipped another 2 coats. After the 2nd curing they looked good. So I’m at least on the right track now. So I totally re-learned on the fly how to powder paint in the fly . However it all came out good the candy orange ones are top right. These just went out to Wisconsin. I originally messaged the guy to tell him I needed an extra day due to the issues with the candy orange and needing the time for the epoxy to cure. They guy was so impressed after I showed him the picture he bought 20 more. the 30 minute thing came from a you tube video and basic premise was lower temp longer time as to not discolor the hooks. It is probably to long. When I cured the last batch I did kicked the temp up to 300 for 20 minutes
  14. Next time I make jigs which, is hopefully soon. I will cut the heating time as you guys have suggested. Thanks
  15. It is a short time frame. I only mix a little up at a time. Maybe a dime size dollop of resin and hardener. I can usually get 5-6 jigs out of it before it starts setting up
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