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Everything posted by Mbirdsley

  1. ok i was wondering what diffence between fish hair and craft fur. Does craft fur also go by the name of synthetic polar bear fur or is this a totaly differnt type of synthetic all together?
  2. Mbirdsley


    thanks eventhough, the picture isnt really in fucos. had to show it to a freind real quick
  3. Ive never used craft fur but,my take on it that it moves more with the water than bucktail would. is that correct? So it would probally probally be better in the summer time when fish are more active?
  4. Mbirdsley


    blue and black jig 3/8 oz
  5. a vice to hold jig while tying. Thread, I try to match one of the colors of hair with the thread. Black thread always works with dark colors and white with lighter fur colors if you don't want a lot of thread lying around IMHO. a bobbin to hold thread and tie everything. I like 6/0 thread but, those look bigger than what I'm tying. A pair of scissors to cut fur and thread. Whip finisher or I just use several half hitch knots to finish jig. I use wasspi water based cement. One thing ive learned is you don't need to buy the most expensive fly tying equipment for tying jigs but, avoid buying the cheapest ( trust me on this). The one exception is the scissors pay the 20 bucks for some Dr. Slicks; I have not yet and I kick my self in the &@& every time I tie and half to use the cheap one that came in my kit.
  6. Im excited to see the first issue.
  7. Jannsnetcraft.com has extra select craft fur but, they only have about 9 colors here is the link if you wanna check it out http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/fly-tying-fur-tails/650140.aspx Now I want to buy some to try out. Only if the Girlfriend understood. I think it would work great for the Summer time.
  8. not to hi-jack the thread but, does somebody make a mold for those? Also, why couldn't regular bucktail be used for that jig?
  9. 3/8 jigs on top 1/4 jigs bottom left 1/8 bottom right
  10. Mbirdsley

    Im New

    Grey seems like a odd color. but, if it works it works. Wonder how fish see grey?
  11. I like that exhaust fan. Thing moves some air.
  12. Well i dont have that many boxes for soft plastics. Well just one LOL. I just didnt know if they would get ruined if not kept in the orginal packaging. Does it matter if they are old and the lubricant that were orginaly on them is gone? the woms i have i bought two years ago. I obviously plan on buying some new ones. they still look good i just dont know enough about them if i should keep using them or throw away.
  13. Just curious as to how other anglers store thier soft plastic baits IE worm, Crawfish. Is it better to keep them in the orginal packaging since most are reseable or take them out and keep them in a plano plastic box? My gulp crawlers and minnows i always keep in the package or tub becasue of the so called "gulp scent" but the other i just keep in the plano box. Im orgainzing everyting at the moment so that is what brought this up.
  14. I'm on my phone right now. But, is there a mobile app for tackle under ground?
  15. Mbirdsley

    Im New

    So many bucktail colors LOL. Ive got a big order i am sending into Janns i know i have blue bucktail on the wish list. Seems like all the stores have orange, flo green, and flo pink bucktail. Its finding the blues/dark blue, dark green, and other darker colors is where the internet comes in handy.
  16. Mbirdsley


  17. Mbirdsley


  18. That is good to know. I don't make a ton of them. But, as i need them. They fish the way I make them now. But, being able to clean up the bends would be nice. After i get my taxes back i plan putting in a substantial order to Janns and this will be one of the items. What length of wire works best if i were to use a straight piece of wire or closed eye-lid wire? Also they make kit to covert it to a higher gage of wire if need be? Only reason I asked this because I would like to make some big inline spinners for Lake Michigan lake trout. They would probably be about the same size as a muslky lure.
  19. Cathching a fish on somthing that was made by your self is one of the most self gradifying things in the world. 2nd best is having a freind catch somthing that was made by yourself aslo.
  20. That is the very wire former I was looking at. Do you think it is work the 75 dollars? No, next time I buy componants for making spinners it will be through Janns. they are fast at shipping and shipping is cut in half. the reason i orderd through Mud hole is becasue you could by a kit for 15 dollars to make 10 or 12 ( they say you can make 20 but never ends out that way) and its just a hodge podge of componants of nickle and broze. which, was cool because it gives you everything. but, its like they will give you so much of one componant in the big size but skimp on the same compomant in the smaller size.
  21. River small mouth love inline spinners and they seem like they are the forgotten lure around here.
  22. I need some casting spoons. I was wondering if somebody would want to trade for some Jigs or inline spinners. Sizes that i need for the river are 2/3 oz and 1/4 oz.. If anybody is intrested i would like a couple painted as Dare devils and maybe just some random colors. I dont know how many jigs would equal X amount of spoons. We can figure that out. Here is some samples of what i can make for trade.
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