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Everything posted by Chance_Taker4

  1. I never planned on selling plastic baits. I am just recently being asked to because I was successful last season and won my clubs CoAngler Championship using only my baits. So normally A gallon would last me a while just pouring what I needed. Until my order volume rises it is in my best interest to order a gallon at a time.
  2. $30 a gallon at 350 is $.09. I buy 4oz coloring and glitter, a quart of softener, pint of oil/scent. Where can I find plastisol for $30. The cheapest I found is $40 at bait junkys but then $28 shipping.
  3. Thanks guys. From,my calculations it,costs me roughly .37 a bait.
  4. If this was already posted I'm sorry I couldn't find it. I am starting to sell plastic baits. I normally paint and sell cranks and only pour for private use. However I dont know the cost breakdown. Can someone tell me how many stick baits can be made with a gallon of Plasisol. 2oz or color, 2oz of glitter and a pint of softener. Those numbers can help me determine my cost per bait more effectivly,
  5. I live 10mins from the Janns NetCraft showroom. The only reason I am using Grounded up Kosher salt is because the guy at Jann's told me they do t carry bait salt because grounded up Kosher salt works better to go by that salt instead. I live 10mins from the Janns NetCraft showroom. The only reason I am using Grounded up Kosher salt is because the guy at Jann's told me they do t carry bait salt because grounded up Kosher salt works better to go by that salt instead.
  6. I use kosher salt that I hand grind down to make it smaller and yes it settles to the bottom before I can get it poured.
  7. I have been making my own baits for about six months now. I am very happy with my skills I learned and found I enjoy hand pouring my molds. When I make senior and lizards I use injection molds and have found adding scent to injections to be easy. However when I hand pour I cannot get the baits salted. I tried mixing the salt before I pour as well as after I pour into mold and can't grasp how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. I use soft plastic 500. I think I'm switching to 502. Should I follow the 1/2 cup plastic, 1/4 cup salt and softener even with soft plastic
  9. I would rather use salt to make them sink. If I use salt will I need to add softener?
  10. Thanks guys. I have been interested in the Do-It HD sinking additive. If it just a powder? When I look it unit shows a picture of baits.
  11. I will put an order in tonight. That was another problem I was having, the salt clumped and would clog my injector
  12. That helps a lot I live in the same city Jann's netcraft is located so I get all my products from them however they don't carry salt and their reason was table salt works better so they done sell it. So I have been using plain table salt in my baits
  13. 3 tablespoons per cup. Also i find it is very difficult to get the salt stirred in. I find it always just sitting at the bottom
  14. Thank you currently I do not use softener because I find lurecraft's 500 formula to be extremley soft already. Should I add softener to make it sink?
  15. I am new to pouring my own plastics. My wife got me everythign I use for Christmas. I am using LureCraft 500 plastisol. I love the softness of this bait for my shakey head worms and craws. However, I am also making 5" senkos but I cant get the plastic to sink. I tried using little salt then I tried using a lot of salt to no avail. What can I do to make my plastic sink? Do I need a different type of plastsol or is there an additive I can use to make them sink?
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