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Everything posted by spbubba

  1. I soaked the brush overnight and reassembled it this morning. I will have a chance to paint some baits over the weekend. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks to each of you for taking the time to help.
  2. I will give it a soak and see what happens. Thank you both for the input.
  3. I am using a Iwata-Medea Revolution CR Dual Action airbrush to paint cranks. I am a total rookie and this is my first real issue. When i tighten the nozzle cap finger tight it restricts paint flow. If i loosen it half a turn flow returns but pattern is affected. I have replaced the nozzle cap and needle without improvement. Help please.
  4. spbubba


    Thank you for your time and expertise.
  5. spbubba


    Please share experience with 4 inch ringed swimbait molds similar to fat Keitechs. Also what plastic formula ans salt content is best for pouring these ?
  6. spbubba


    I would be very careful. My experience has not been positive. Products ordered were never received. My texts, emails and facebook messages were not responded to.
  7. You must have some serious pull to receive a reply. I emailed, called and texted multiple times without a response.
  8. I could not agree with 21 xdc more. Life is too short to deal with a business or person that does not deliver as promised, then refuses to communicate about the issue. Once was enough for me.
  9. Are the whopper plopper blanks shipping yet?
  10. Can i put a 4/0 or 5/0 in the 1/2 oz jig?
  11. Has anyone found a non ewg hook for this mold? I would like to make chatterbaits and swim jigs with a non ewg jig hook.
  12. I will give your suggestions a try. Thank you for taking the time to help.
  13. How do you mold the flat sheets of mesh screen to fit crank bait shapes to paint scale patterns? I am using the sheets from LPO and seem to have a hard time not getting wrinkles.
  14. How often are the 6001 3m carteidges supposed to be replaced?
  15. Does anyone have a phone number for Lurelayouts.com ? I have emailed twice about an order without a response and am looking for another way to contact them.
  16. I am looking to buy Little John blank copies with a circuit board lip. The only place I have seen them is unpainted lures and they are out of stock. Does anyone have another source for these blanks? How do the copies with molded lips compare to those with circut board lips ?
  17. I am grateful for your help. I would like to use the heat gun if possible. How far from the bait do you hold the gun and for how long?
  18. The bait split and bulged because of the heat gun. It was a 2.5 knockoff blank. I learned the hard way that a heat gun was too much.
  19. I am officially hooked on crank bait painting. Got an airbrush setup and then bought some baits from git bit customs to get me started. First two baits came out pretty average. Who knew there was a learning curve to this deal? Third bait is a 2.5 with a spring craw pattern which is turning out really nice, I put the last touches on the paint and hit it with a heat gun to set the paint. It turns out that a heat gun may be too hot as proven by the new bulging 2.5 splitter shad than I created.
  20. I have reached the point where swim senkos are the only soft bait I have to buy. i am pouring all other plastics I use. I am wanting recommendations on the best 5" swim senko molds and someone i can purchase a sample of a few finished baits from.
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