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    Hohenwald, TN

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  1. Vodkaman, don't have one 100% complete yet but will post a vid when I do. Jaw, I do pour the two sides separate and glue them together. I put 3 BBs in the cavity which makes for a loud rattle. So far I have used both Alumilite super white resin and have poured one with Smooth-on feather lite urethane.
  2. Okay, mold is done. Turned out pretty good I thought. Still gotta figure out how to eliminate some tiny air bubbles though. I don't guess I should hold such high expectations. Lotta firsts here. First mold, first completed plastic lure, first time using an airbrush!
  3. Thanks for that info SLT785. Finding that this forum is an invaluable resource for this newbie here. llokii, it can't creep up on me, I'm already neck deep in it!
  4. I'll be making the hollow cavity mold this week. Anxious to see how it turns out. Gonna give Smooth On Mold Star 15 a shot
  5. You can't make this stuff up. Says right on the container it can be mixed up to 100% by volume. To each his own I guess. Even at 30% the plastic seemed to soft after cure.
  6. Yeah, I used them per the precautions. The technician at allumilite suggested the 50% by volume. Feel like the feather lite may be a better option for me anyway. Hope this new method will pan out better. Not gonna pour a production mold until I get this right.
  7. Not sure if Hillbilly is still active on this forum as I don't see any posts since like 2011 so if ANYONE has insight to this topic, feel free to chime in. Thanks
  8. llokkii, I just didn't have the luck/results I wanted with the microballoons. Was wasting too much expensive resin with trial and error. Tried going as high as 50% MB by volume and half the time it made the mix like biscuit dough making it unpourable. Just don't have the patience I guess.
  9. Hello everybody. Brand new to the forum and to this hobby. Man am I hooked (pardon the bad pun). I have a few questions for hillbilly1 about the 2 part hollow molds. Hillbilly, I watched your video which was great. My question is when you made the positive side of the mold, did you initially have any problems with the lure half wanting to float up out of the first side you poured? If so, how did you remedy this? Also since you are pouring the epoxy in the mold then sandwiching the sides together, did you have any trouble with air bubbles or did you have any "strategically" placed vents placed in the silicone mold? Sorry if this question has been asked a million times but I want to make sure this is done right the first time as this RTV isn't cheap to screw up fifty times. I've already got two unsuccessful tries at a solid core bait using a one and a two piece mold under my belt now. Also, which allumilite resin are you using? I have feather lite on order but have allumilite super white resin on hand. Making this lure solid (which is supposed to be a top water prop bait) with super white resin just sunk with hardware attached. Tried making less buoyant by adding microballoons but just couldn't get it right.
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