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Everything posted by Rellim1010

  1. I am about to start assembling some spinnerbaits. I have bodies that I will paint. I just need to know what size clevices you recomend for 3/8 to 3/4 oz they have .032 wire. Also if i went to a 1oz .035 wire. I am sure there is a chart somewhere, i just cant seem to find it. Thanks
  2. Is it more cost effective to use powder paint over vinyl or vise versa? And I wish money wasnt an object haha then I would just buy everything and play around a lot lol And I was trying to stay away from pulling the guards. if thats really the only way then so be it, but i dont want to ruin the ones i have by pulling the guard and glueing/epoxying them back in. How much do teflon pins cost and what size would i need? I dont mind the work if the product will be better.
  3. ive done nail polish before, and it just chips way too easily. In maine if there is exposed lead it is illegal (and the wardens love to stop bass guys and check our gear, i have lived here for a year and been stopped 3 or 4 times already just so they could check stuff) Is vinyl paint more chip resistant?
  4. Im sure it is on here somewhere, but I cant seem to find it. I just came upon a great deal on some raw 1oz and 3/4oz jig heads with fiber weed guards glued in. I already had a toaster and heat gun. I got a jar of powder paint, and the plastic sleeves to protect the fiber guard when heating before painting. I guess my question is can I use that same plastic sleeve when I am baking the jig to cure the paint without it damaging the weed guard? If not what to you recomend? This is not going to be a huge production, just a here and there type of thing, but with how rocky the lakes in Maine are its tough to swing $4-5 on a jig. Let me know your thoughts.
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