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crab05 last won the day on April 10 2016

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    Family, fishing,football,The Buckeyes

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  1. That's what I'm saying,don't use it. It caused me the same problem, a guy told me so I used the oil he recommended and mine is still going strong with no sticking.
  2. He doesn't carry junk,great guy
  3. I don't use the blue oil that comes with them because it causes that problem . I use paasche and haven't had the problem since.
  4. I have almost all his stencils,they are high quality! Customer service is next to none. Great guy
  5. Sorry guys I got the email address wrong it's racustomairbrushing@yahoo.com Once again sorry guys!!!
  6. Hey no problem at all any time I can help anyone let me know!!!
  7. Ben only other way is send him an email and he will send you pics and prices. racustomairbrush@yahoo.com
  8. Let me message him and I'll get back to you
  9. Try badger woods and water
  10. Never returned my e-mails so I purchased insane custom stencils on Facebook. Russ Allen is the guys name,he has taken care of me. Great customer service
  11. crab05

    Sexxy shad

    Awesome paint
  12. crab05

    S crank

    Thank you sir
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