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Everything posted by MarkNY

  1. That won't work with my badger airbrush but I just got a new iwata and it make work on that. Thanks.
  2. What size SS wire works best for twisting my own line ties/screw eyes? I tried it with .042 but it didn't work too well. Thanks, Mark
  3. Anything wrong with using taxidermy grade airbrush paints on lures? In particular acrylic polytranspar? They have so many nice natural colors and lots of shimmer or iridescent options. Opinions? Thanks, Mark
  4. What do you guys use to backflush your airbrush when cleaning? I've been using a sponge to cover the end but would like something more efficient. Thanks, Mark
  5. MarkNY

    Walleye Trolling Baits

    Love them. Look like real fish catchers.... mark
  6. MarkNY

    Balsa Bluegill Crankbait

    Looks great..,. did you have to put quite a bit of ballast in it to reduce bouyancy? My limited experience with balsa cranks is there is too much bouyancy. After deflecting off cover it rises too quickly.
  7. mohawk, what do you use to backflush? how do you plug the end of the nozzle to backflush? thanks, mark
  8. What tools do you guys use to clean out the bowl of your airbrush and also to backflush? Ive just been using a bristle brush and sponge but there must be a better way. thanks, mark
  9. To this point ive only made my lures with the line tie off located on the nose of the lure but i would like to try mounting it on a diving lip. What are the general rules on how these two setups affect lure action? thanks, mark
  10. MarkNY

    Round Goby

    My version of a round goby. Carved from poplar, circuit board lip....
  11. MarkNY

    Blade Shad

    Neat. I especially like the body shape....
  12. MarkNY

    Shallow Balsa Crank

    Shallow Balsa Crank. My first balsa bait. Fun project.
  13. Gotcha. I want to try a tie off loop on the lip......thanks
  14. Are the front two wire loops one assembly or are they seperate? What is your technique for getting your tie off loop recessed into your diving lip? thanks
  15. Anyone use Golden High Flow Acrylics? How do they work in an airbrush? Good for lure making? thanks, mark
  16. MarkNY

    20150419 150415

    Thanks Douglas. This one is 5 1/2".
  17. Darn it. Just ordered from blick last night. Those colors look great. Ill try them out. thanks, mark
  18. I'm currently using createx water based airbrush colors. Looking for some more color options in a water based paint, no solvents. What do you reccomend? thanks, mark
  19. MarkNY

    20150419 150415

    This is my 2nd Alewife Trolling Plug prototype. Did a single hook on this one with circuit board lip. It swims great....Poplar with foiled sides, createx paint, etex clear coat, through wired....
  20. MarkNY

    20150418 164000

    Had a blast painting my first Nemo. Guess i was a little anxious as i forgot to water test and weight this popper before painting! Gives me an excuse to do another one. Found this paint pattern easy after some help from guys on the forum. I base coated with white then pearl white. Taped off the areas where i wanted white with electrical tape cut into 1/4" strips. Painted the lure with flourescent orange createx, then edged the masked area with black, did some basic gill and eye detail and done. Next one im gonna do a discreet scale detail over the white and do more detail on head area. Mark
  21. Got my order of circuit board sheets from ePlastics last week. I ordered .032 and .060. .032 seems a little light but may be just right for smaller stuff. Nice stuff. Just made my first lip with .060 and found it easy to work with.....Mark
  22. Rayburn, where is the "hard bait how to" section? would like to see that.... thanks, mark
  23. I think i just created a thin spot with my brush. Second coat took care of it..... With foil, ive been doing a coat of etex before painting. Also been spraying a coat of etex crystal clear before doing that first coat of etex. Works for me....
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