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Everything posted by gliders

  1. 1.5mm = 0.059 inch lexan plenty strong for minnows up to 3 inch If you want transparent lip. Also j.pig and bob.p ,trout are more selective and intelligent than bass ,I would imagine...........
  2. Out of interest mark, what weight is the p.v.c you guys use per cubic foot?
  3. Hey dale, I can get down to 0.75mm if needed, few quid a sheet in u.k. so quite handy. Have a good 2017......glider
  4. Hope all you guy's have a good and prosperous new year, and your lures run well....glider
  5. I use lexan on similar trout lures, 1-1.5mm.depending size . Pic of few minnows in gallery using 1.5mm. Works well. Like jiginpig I like to chamfer bill, but not worth the hassle on small minnows for me. Unlike bass guy's, I'm not bouncing them off rocks and snags as a method ,so lexan works for me.
  6. Good work , apreciated and all the best for 2017 guy's.
  7. Your bandsaw will almost certainly just need set up properly, watch set up video a few times. Make sure you have a decent blade for the job.
  8. Sure it's meant tongue in cheek ben
  9. Cheers jp,nicer looking lure. On To do list for new year.
  10. No ! Got flu and told complete rest j.p, but out of interest I had a look and noticed one version appeared to have round cross section ,so could be turned . Am i correct ? Cheers......glider
  11. Thanks centigrade, no probs then .
  12. Good pics 21xdc, nice one.
  13. Looking good centigrade, I did email wtp, but no reply. You'd think it might be something they would be interested in producing as peel off and stick scale. Maybe no demand. I will have to scource from china probably, getting translucent adhesive pearl or holo proving difficult to source in u.k.
  14. One reason this is the best forum of its kind !
  15. Thats whats on lures in my pics 21xdc, but trust me , far from ideal for scales,way to much hassle due to fragility and lack of adhesive backing. I do use it for complete coverage on some lures though, the holographic jake type with stripes in my last pic is one example. ........glider
  16. O.k will give them a try ,and yes fish eye is when contamination of material causes epoxy to pull away and leave bare spot.
  17. I've just noticed the stuff your using is waterproof pressure sensitive adhesive ,so above obviously doesn't apply if your not coating over scales. I may be able to source similar from china more cost effectively than ordering from U.S , .......glider
  18. Hey centigrade, had a look at wtp, i like the look of your transparent holo, it doesn't mention which ones are transparent, are they all transparent? Im struggling to find transparent, adhesive backed foil anywhere ,and as i am in scotland i need to be sure i order correct stuff or cost could be a horror !
  19. Nice effect centigrade, I am resisting the urge to get into workshop ,been warned i need total rest to be rid of flu ,b####r ! .1 other thing centigrade, and dont know if this applies to your build, if you are using e-tex be careful to clean scales to avoid fish eye's. Alcohol can affect adhesive and acetone destroys it . I cleaned foil surface with alcohol before punching, then used small bit of tapered blue tac to lift and place scale's . Keep me posted, cheers. .......glider
  20. I like it,did you use punch ? and adhesive backed foil?
  21. Centigrade, be careful squeezing leather punch cutters, do it slowly ,and dont go to far. If you over do it the cutter can split. I would also recommend using bit of card or thick paper underneath whatever foil you're using when punching out,this gives a cleaner cut. Like i said ,I just used what happened to be lying about to get an idea of the look, and to test the application process. If i can help with this,let me know. Once i am rid of flu I plan on taking it further ,with different foils and effects. Regards.........glider
  22. Having not tried p.v.c travis, got to ask why you wouldn't use it for other lure styles? .......glider
  23. Only seen pics of one jp, seemed to be sitting down on surface, so just hooks and hardware enough ? Like i say, i am just looking at the idea of a similar,turned,two section waking lure . Surprised it doesn't lose stability or roll. I'll give it a shot ,cheers......glider
  24. Yes ,sand then clear,steel wool could leave tiny bits in epoxy.
  25. Like it Mcgyv...sorry, dale, so does the duplicator do one side then you turn blank for the other ?
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