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Everything posted by gliders

  1. Forgot to add, I wear disposable glove to avoid contaminating glitter.
  2. I generally just take very small pinch and rub between thumb and finger from ten inch above onto semi cured e-tex , then next coat ensures smooth finish.
  3. Marks spot on about migration, glitter travels round blank on eyes etc.one way I avoid this is to sprinkle glittter on place's you want it when partiality cured , say 5 hours. Then coat again for smooth finish.
  4. There is no problem mixing glitter in e.tex if thats what you mean
  5. gliders


    All the best from scotland.
  6. That's a poor show, look forward to seeing what you can do with foil.
  7. Did think of that but highly unlikely to work, the mesh will stick, and the foil really has to go on smooth surface, it would not give neat scale.I did toy with idea of spraying contact adhesive through mesh , remove mesh then apply foil.not tried it but suspect it might look a bit rough.
  8. Dale, can get nail transfer foil 40mm wide on rolls no prob, stuff I used was 4 inch wide which is good for big lures, I mostly use aluminium foil but transfer foils available in big array of effects and can cover all lure with no seams.cheers though.
  9. Thats the way to go, one thing I would say is check online on how to keep your brush clean, its very important!
  10. Hey buddy, its a matter of keep practising, thats a decent job.my advice is to look at some airbrushing for begginers sites to kick off with rather than just lure painting sites, there's lots of good sites out there.
  11. Sorry reply joe, foil used from kcg trading on amazon,4inch wide.trying to source on rolls though because comes folded.
  12. The reason I use etex is it gives is first I use it as undercoat anyway and it gives me a window of about an hour where it is tacky enough to grab the finish from the backing, say between 7 and 8 hours.put some epoxy on scrap wood at same time as lure and you can keep checking with foi till correct timing.
  13. Hazmail, I etex directly on foil , not had any probs.
  14. Cheers a.z keep me posted
  15. Hope things looking up for you buddy, your an inspiration to us all.
  16. Nail foil from amazon joe
  17. Hey guys, been messing about with transfer foils as used for nails etc. I wasn't too happy with recommended p.v.a type glues so started experimenting with others .found that a smooth surface crucial for even finish and came up with this.-coat with e-tex , rotate for 7 hours , apply foil with cloth.no seams, coat again , paint.Very handy as I e-tex prior to painting anyway.these are 8inch holo silver, hope o.k to show here to give idea of finish
  18. If you plan on sealing before ballast, I recommend making your mould cavities slightly smaller than holes in lure, especially if you plan testing each one, or make ballast holes in lure slightly larger to allow for fit.
  19. Just like to add, no disrespect to bob .p. he knows his stuff, however if you paint straight over foil you will magnify the foil edges you have painted, when you top coat ,especially if you're using metallic paint this will be even more noticeable.
  20. Take rayburns advice and epoxy foil before painting, get yourself blue, red, yellow createx transparent and you can mix to create any colour. If you just paint on foil it will tend to bead.also be sure to use opaque on top and bottom if you want to hide foil edges.
  21. I use e-tex to seal,mostly gliders, meranti and cedar, for pike.I am looking to streamline the process , hence the dipping.looking for strong ,dippable ,white reasonably quick drying primer that will even out small dimpples left in meranti after 1 coat e-tex sealer and be smooth enough with little sanding ready for painting.advice much appreciated.
  22. Cheers reply, when you say laquer based what exactly do you mean ? Oil, solvent? The zinsser bin I am looking at is shellac based, thanks again.
  23. Cheers dave, it is a tricky but v. good wood.have often used c.a . In past still do occasionally on proto types, but I'm making more and more larger ones .I get good results with 2 coats white primer and sand, this fills and smooths any remaining grain pores.I am specifically asking will dipping be as, less, or more effective and if so how highly rated bin is for this? Cheers again.
  24. Cheers dave, I seal with thinned epoxy, however with light meranti no matter how much you sand you still have open grainy finsh to wood.I have until now added another coat off epoxy to get smooth, but this is very time consuming and a waste of epoxy.even with 1 un-thinned coat of e-tex on meranti you still get grainy finish, by grainy I dont mean raised grain, I mean the pores are not filled.
  25. Hello guys, I am looking at moving to dipping my larger wood lures .Have till now sprayed or brushed a white undercoat/primer over sealed lure but for grainy wood I feel dipping might be quicker smoother.i am considering zinsser bin , possibly thinned , advice appreciated.
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