Hi guys,
So I have FINALLY found MCU in South Africa, you have no idea how long it has taken me, believe it or not. 90% of places I called didnt even know what I was talking about. Anyway, here is what the supplier has told me and I would like to ask you guys for input regarding this "PUD?"
Thank you for enquiring with us. We most definitely have and MCU to offer you as well as the PUD (water-based polyurethane) which in my opinion may be the better option of the 2.
PUD’s are easier to clean (just use water to clean tools and equipment), user friendly (no solvents, no violent odour), have a high gloss (extensively used in lamination to enhance gloss) and fast drying (touch dry in 10-15 minutes). Once more they are not moisture sensitive so wastage is minimal. They can be applied by brush, roller or spray applied however I don’t see any reason why you can’t dip it as per the video you link you sent me. For optimum performance we supply them with cross-linker to further enhance their chemical and abrasion resistance. I have a 50ml sample of AQUA-LAM with cross-linker (X-LINKER) available should you wish to test?
Does this sound like I'm onto the right stuff? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Also if anything is unclear I can try and answer you guys further............
Thanks in advance,