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Offshore G

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Everything posted by Offshore G

  1. Rad!!!! Mark this is insane! Well done!
  2. Hi guys, So I have FINALLY found MCU in South Africa, you have no idea how long it has taken me, believe it or not. 90% of places I called didnt even know what I was talking about. Anyway, here is what the supplier has told me and I would like to ask you guys for input regarding this "PUD?" Thank you for enquiring with us. We most definitely have and MCU to offer you as well as the PUD (water-based polyurethane) which in my opinion may be the better option of the 2. PUD’s are easier to clean (just use water to clean tools and equipment), user friendly (no solvents, no violent odour), have a high gloss (extensively used in lamination to enhance gloss) and fast drying (touch dry in 10-15 minutes). Once more they are not moisture sensitive so wastage is minimal. They can be applied by brush, roller or spray applied however I don’t see any reason why you can’t dip it as per the video you link you sent me. For optimum performance we supply them with cross-linker to further enhance their chemical and abrasion resistance. I have a 50ml sample of AQUA-LAM with cross-linker (X-LINKER) available should you wish to test? Does this sound like I'm onto the right stuff? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Also if anything is unclear I can try and answer you guys further............ Thanks in advance, Garreth
  3. These were old cranks that I painted when I started painting a year ago, the epoxy was coming off and they were quite beat up. I painted white over them then pearl white on top of that, added some stripes and I got new cranks to throw......
  4. Offshore G

    Cedar Crankbaits2

    Awesome, thanks for the tips, I will try it out later today.
  5. Offshore G

    Blue gill

    I've got some of these blanks and painted one, I struggled with the epoxy though. This blue gill is really nice, good job!
  6. Offshore G

    New Guy

    You'll get all the info you ever need from the guys on this site, they're great! They all helped so much and I have learnt a lot on here. Good luck and lets see some pics Happy painting, Garreth
  7. Ben, Checkout Lure Colour Studio, really awesome stencils.
  8. Offshore G

    Cedar Crankbaits2

    I'll definitely give it another try. That colour kills in our dams down here ....
  9. I've painted this colour for a mate of mine and he loves it for smallies, now he can try out the S crank version......
  10. Offshore G

    Cedar Crankbaits2

    I like them all! The middle one is a kind of neon blue gill, tried to paint one the other day.....didn't go too well lol
  11. Offshore G

    Chocolate Rat

    Nice one! Where did you get that wake bait blank from?
  12. Offshore G

    Swimbait, Carp

    Rad dude! Keep it up!
  13. Offshore G

    Blue Gill S Crank

    Dude, thanks very much!! It's winter here in SA now so I can only try him out in a few months. Will let you know how it goes
  14. Offshore G

    Golden Perch

    Really awesome colours!!
  15. Ok, thanks guys, done deal, I am ordering an Eclipse from Amazon. Thanks again for all the helpful info G
  16. Thanks Mark, My compressor puts out around 87 psi, so I think I am happy to say that I just need to upgrade my airbrush. I'm going to try and actually import one as that $220 price seems a bit expensive for the Eclipse HP-CS? Thanks again, G
  17. Thanks very much for the info, that Eclipse is what I've been looking at getting. In SA it works out to about $220, what do you think of that price?
  18. Hi guys, Another question about compressors and air brushes. I am now thinking of upgrading to maybe Iwata? It is available in South Africa which is always better than importing as the agents can help directly if I ever need them to. My question is......Do I need to upgrade my entire system, ie the airbrush and the compressor OR would it make a big difference if I just spend my money on a top of the line Iwata Eclipse? So, what makes more of a difference? A top quality airbrush or a compressor or should I not waste my time and get just both? Thanks in advance, G
  19. Offshore G


    This is great!!!!
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