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Offshore G

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Everything posted by Offshore G

  1. Offshore G


    I like this a lot! Good work!
  2. Offshore G

    100 2935

    I like this a lot!!!!
  3. These are nice!! Mike, do you use a paint marker for those stripes by the eyes?
  4. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/14731-25-blue-gill-with-epoxy/ Here is the link to the blue gill with epoxy. And the 1.5 size......... http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/14733-15-blue-gill/ Hope you guys enjoy G
  5. Offshore G

    1.5 Blue Gill

    Tried to copy my 2.5, was a lot more difficult to do on the smaller scale. I think next time less blue on the gill plate. But then again, I like giving a bit more colour for the contrast.
  6. As promised, here is my blue gill with epoxy. I couldn't wait to get home so I got the old lady to send me pics (I promise I don't paint my fingernails)
  7. Offshore G

    First lure

    I like that subtle bit of purple, looks great! Keep it up!
  8. Thanks surfk9, When I'm home from work I will share a pic of the finished product . I also painted 2 x 1.5 size squarebills in the same design, was a lot tougher but came out ok! Will post soon Garreth
  9. Offshore G

    Matte Finish Gill

    This is amazing!!
  10. Offshore G


    Loving this!
  11. Offshore G

    Black dots

    Thanks bro, one of our only smallie dams in South Africa is a red crank bait dam so I've been trying different styles of red...
  12. Offshore G

    Yellow medium diver

    Thanks bro, maybe a red gill plate next time just to give it a little bit something extra?
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