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Everything posted by Musky0503

  1. Getting the tension right on the Thred & getting the thread to lay straight on the blank.
  2. Smalljaw you just got a subsciber to your channel
  3. here is one, I just cleaned out all my bookmarks so I don't have the info right now http://www.saltwateredge.com/swe-rotary-jig-vise.html
  4. Why do most companies use Mustad Hooks as a measuring stick so to speak of what their vises will hold? Are they extra thick or thin or what? Thank you for your help
  5. Musky0503


    What thread do you all you for tieing bucktails & Jig and the like? Thank you for your help, You all have been so helpful to me.
  6. I use prokote. I find it to be the clearest smoothest epoxy out there. http://www.mudhole.com/Rod-Building/ProKote/ProKote-Rod-Building-Thread-Finish
  7. Stiring is the reason you get air bubbles. If you get the stirring system like Lilpdriverat showed you http://www.mudhole.com/Rod-Building/CRB-Tools-Equipment/CRB-Epoxy-Mixing-System-110Vyou eliminate the bubbles,
  8. I just use these http://www.mudhole.com/Rod-Building/Other-Tools/Flex-Coat-Mixing-Sticks-100-Pack there cheep, disposable, and they do a good job
  9. Does anyone use epoxy on Wire baits?
  10. I was wondering because from my rod building I happen to have epoxy. Don't have Clear nail polish.
  11. What are you using it for?
  12. ok arer you talking breaks or drag? Brakes on the other side of the reel handle would be after you cast with it a few times to prevent backlashes if you cast alot with backlashes you would want more brake. Brake on the reel side would be sent daily & set back to zero after use and with every change of lure. You would want read the direction that came with the reel for this or I can tell you. mount to reel to the rod. You want the line coming down from the top or the reel to just about stop not all the way stop when you release the bail. it's a feeling out of the real. Takes a liitle time to get used to. I don't what the third brake is your talking about. unless your talking about the star drag. Good luck.
  13. A rod dryer would be the second item after a wrapper that I would buy. Can you get by with out it? Yes but it helps so much that is almost a necessity. Yes you can get by with a timer and turning it every 15 minutes It's just so much easier. You set it do dry turn it on and come back in say 24 hours to give the epoxy time to fully harden.
  14. Would epoxy work or should I get CA of what would you suggest?
  15. Tightness on the thread and on the wraps, you don't want any space between each thread you lay down, You'll want to pack the thread down on the blank you doing. You thumb nail will come in handy for this. Sorry for athe mutiple posting I'd hit post then read up the post more and see more info to give
  16. I generally use my dremel to "sand" or bevel down the edges of the guide. Your building a bridge so that the thread can easily climb over the foot of the guide.
  17. I would also recommend this book this book has been my "bible" so to speak to. Has been my go to book for for everything rod builfing. I would also direct you to another forum to learn from. http://www.rodbuildingforum.com/ They are helpful and will answer every question you have no matter the level.
  18. make sure the dowel is staight. I found this out the hard way. Bought a dowel to practice on, got it home, what up to rap. it was wobbing of my wrapper
  19. I would tell ya to go to http://www.rodbuildingforum.com/ introduce yourself tell them what you are looking to build.
  20. Musky0503


    Those must have been size what 100/0
  21. there seems to be multiple way to do this. 1. 2. not only hook postion but tieing. One does loops over the bucktail the other ties off each group of feathers who's to say which is Correct because in the mind of the tier their both correct. I think it just prefreence.
  22. Musky0503


    Thank you Mark. I got into this hobby because I initially wanted to make some Bucktails for my buddies and myself. Now that I see what's required of it, and want you can do with this "hobby" it's turning into a lot more.
  23. not sure how one could do it any other way
  24. Isn't it always that bigger is better at least in the fishing world?I jig for my walleye.You might also consult a map of where you fish. it could be that your fishing the 90% of the water that the fish aren't in.
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