Though I mentioned the perceived issue of the clamp feet scratching the molds, it is not the issue I am trying to resolve.
First of all thanks for all of the responses,
Spring Clamps:
I have tried these before.
I have some larger molds (12 cavity) so I need to run my injection machine with about 20lbs of pressure in order for all of the cavities and
appendages in the cavities to actually fill. The spring clamps (4 of them) do not have enough clamping pressure. When I did this it resulted
in a whole lot of 'flashing; occurring so I had to spend a lot of time trimming baits.
Standard C-clamps:
These are all to long ('wide'), see below (If this existed it would solve my issue)..
Wood working F-clamps (Jorgenson, Pony, Bessey):
These are also to long ('wide'), see below (If this existed it would solve my issue)..
The reason I like to use the pieces of wood (cauls) is that I have many molds with small / thin appendages in them. As we know some times
the appendages will not fill when shooting, so one must vary the pressure of the clamps in order to get the appendages to fill correctly. When I use the pieces of wood I never have this issue. I simply put the pieces of wood in position, put the clamps on, tighten them up and shoot. This works very well for me.
Now the real issue is the width of the pieces of wood, mold and clamp (specifically the length that the adjusting screw that ends up sticking out). The entire width is ~1" to wide to fit under my injection machine when I am trying to shoot dual color (i.e. 'laminates') baits. When I am shooting singe color baits I have no issues as I can simply cock the assembly at about 30 degrees.
See: for a listing of C-clamp parts.
If this existed it would solve my issue:
A 3" C-clamp where the adjusting screw is only 1 1/2" long. Meaning that if the adjusting screw was completely closed the 'Swivel Head' on the adjusting screw would be at least 1" from the 'Fixed Jaw'. I.e. it does not close all the way.
I have been unable to find such a C-clamp. I believe such an animal does not exist.
Thanks for all of the suggestions.