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Everything posted by whackett

  1. Thank You for the information . I tried to get the MM sizes from Badger and all they would say was they were fine, medium or large. With your information I think I will go with the Iwata Revolution B which I found for $90.00. Again I thank you kindly for the time and information. Wayne
  2. Do you know what needle that comes with. And what size do you recommend for painting crank baits.
  3. I need to get a new airbrush and Hobby Lobby has the Iwata BCS Eclipse. Was wondering as I am some what new to airbrushing if this is a worth while AB. I know it is a siphon instead of a gravity and would really like a Eclipse CS but don't have the cash for it, and am not sure if HL carries the CS. Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks
  4. Thanks Pete I felt the same way thats why I was considering one. Wayne
  5. Just wondering how many of you use the quick disconnect between airbrush and compressor. Was thinking of springing for one and was wondering if it is worth while. I only use one brush but it would make cleaning easier.
  6. The acetone in Walmart is strictly acetone nothing else. Read the bottle real good before I bought it. Thanks for the heads up on the bigger sizes from Lowes etc. For some reason they never enter my mind.
  7. Thanks Bob. Was worried about the other chemicals in the remover. Now I know I can get the 100 percent pure stuff in walmart.
  8. Just wondering everybody talks about using acetone for cleaning your air brush, but will using nail polish remover with acetone cause any problems with the AB.
  9. Have heard that Paasche was a decent airbrush, it comes with everything you need and the price is good. Have never tried that make myself as I use a Badger but that sure does not make me an authority. I'd probably get that myself if I was just starting out. There are others whom have done a lot more painting then myself and might have a different opinion
  10. Well I didn't drive an M1A1 tank And didn't fly a warthog I guess I'll stick with brass. Thanks for the information.
  11. So do most people prefer to use lead or brass when weighing their crank baits, as uranium is out of my price range.
  12. Being disabled I don't get to fish as much as I would like . Luckily I have a friend whom takes me out anytime I can go. But I make all my hard baits as a way of making up for the seldom fishing. When I get this part figured out (if I do ) I will try and figure out the soft plastics. If I build up to many I give them to my buddy.
  13. Rhersh I like the turner you made . Th clips you use are they clothespins I can't quite tell.
  14. As a rookie at making and painting lures I hope I have the same luck as Padan did without losing my lure. Still sounds like you did everything right.
  15. whackett


    Being new to making wood baits , is it recommended that a sealant should be used before painting, or just using a coat of white or black paint. Thanks Wayne
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