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Everything posted by Dubyap

  1. So, I've been looking at inexpensive airbrush/compressor combos lately and came across this guy -Link Here on Amazon. Some of the reviews make me worry, but I figured if anyone's going to know if this will work for lure painting it's this community. Do you think this will work well enough? Does anyone have any experience with this airbrush/compressor combo or a similar one? Thanks in advance!
  2. Thanks, I feel like I should have thought of this... Two images that will help, in case anyone's interested. http://thebassman.tripod.com/rap-japanbook/ssr.jpg https://www.google.ca/search?q=super+shad+rap+x+ray&biw=1440&bih=791&tbm=isch&imgil=K7HqYZQ5yn-elM%253A%253BF8S2yiGoxFVF8M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fmuskie.outdoorsfirst.com%25252Fboard%25252Fforums%25252Fthread-view.asp%25253Ftid%2525253D36650%25252526DisplayType%2525253Dnested%25252526setCookie%2525253D1&source=iu&pf=m&fir=K7HqYZQ5yn-elM%253A%252CF8S2yiGoxFVF8M%252C_&usg=__WyM4Jc4KeUSf0g6C52Zmo5Jxhy4%3D&ved=0ahUKEwinzdbUnZjNAhVGSlIKHQCUAVwQyjcIJg&ei=xPRXV6fbB8aUyQKAqIbgBQ#imgrc=K7HqYZQ5yn-elM%3A
  3. Thanks for the link and info. I was hoping someone had done the majority of the legwork already that would speed up the replication process somewhat. It looks like I'll have to start from scratch, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, generally it's the best way to learn and improve skills in my opinion.
  4. My brother guided on LOTW for a couple years, he says the fishing up there is like nothing he's ever seen. I have about 4 that are beyond repair. Unfortunately re-painting isn't really an option.
  5. Hey all, Does anyone know if plans/tutorials to Rapala's Super Shad rap are available anywhere? Or has anyone made replicas/recreated with any success? This lure produces very well up in Northern Ontario, and specifically only the perch pattern. They get torn apart pretty quickly, and I'm kinda tired of paying $17+ to replace them. In case you don't know what I'm talking about here's a link: https://rapala.ca/products/super-shad-rap
  6. From what I've read the 5 min epoxy won't provide a smooth finish and will yellow. So as Rayburn pointed out your best option is 30 min. In regards to the turner, I think it is generally recommended no matter what you're using, but the Devcon is thicker than Etex so requires ledd manual turning of the bait.
  7. Thanks for the tip. My questions is a little more focused on the difference, if any between the "high strength" and the "home" versions of Devcon.
  8. I've been looking to try out an alternative to the Envirotex I bought last year when I started putting real time into making lures. I'm building a lure turner from an old microwave motor, but didn't anticipate I would need some basic electrical knowledge to wire it correctly. So until I figure that all out and get the turner built and working, I thought I should try some Devcon 2 Ton. Up here in Canada, I've been having trouble finding it in HW stores sooo I started looking online and found several different variants of 2 ton and am hoping you guys can steer me towards the right one. "high strength" never seen this mentioned on here, but then again I haven't been around that long. Thoughts? https://www.amazon.ca/Devcon-2-Ton-Crystal-33345-S-33/dp/B0006O8QQA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1461846317&sr=8-1&keywords=devcon+2+ton+epoxy This is the packaging I see more often. https://www.amazon.ca/2-ton--epoxy--two-Oz-Bottles/dp/B005K091ZU/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1461846317&sr=8-6&keywords=devcon+2+ton+epoxy There are more "variants" but these two seem to be what I'm looking for, I think? Alternatively if any of my northern friends know where I can pick up some 2 ton that would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Gentlemen, I hope you all are enjoying your holidays. I was fortunate enough to be gifted a coutertop belt and disk sander this Xmas, and have been doing a little research on dust collection as it seems to be a MAJOR hazard. Now, I certainly have more reading to do but I have read some pretty unsettling things about shop vacs building up a lot of static electricity and essentially becoming bombs. Also read stories about people going through 2-3 shop vacs in a year. I am aware that there are dedicated dust collection systems available, but I'm looking for a more cost effective solution that is SAFE (if that exists) How do you guys manage your dust? Any recommendations? Any tutorials to setting up a safe cost effective dust collection system out there? Thanks a bunch,
  10. Thanks guys, I will throw on a thin coat of 30 min epoxy in the afternoon and hopefully it will be good to go by sat morning. Also, good to know the shellac isnt completely useless. As these are the first baits ive made, im super curious to see if they will even work.
  11. Just in general? or as a topcoat?
  12. It is just now starting to lose its stickiness/harden and i am closing in on 3 days. I think your right, im not sure if i didnt mix it enough or if the proportions were off, but the way the first bait looks and feels has me concerned something has gone awry. Essentially im looking for a quick curing topcoat I can use on my second bait to have it ready to go for friday evening. Shellac would be great as its sitting on a shelf in my basement, but if there is an alternative I can purchase at my local HD store im open to suggestions.
  13. Hi all, Ive made my first plugs ever this past week and a half. One is currently curing, a lot slower than id like, I used 4 hour epoxy and im not sure I mixed it correctly, but nevertheless getting there. Im going fishing this weekend and the total cure time for the 4 hour epoxy is 3 days. My second carved bait wont have enough time to cure with the 4 hour epoxy topcoat. I have a can of some shellac that dries and cures very quicky in comparison, I used it as a sealer before priming for paint. Does anyone have any experiece with using Shellac sprays as a topcoat? From what I have read on here its mostly used as a sealer before priming. Here's a link to the stuff im using. http://www.hardwarestore.com/bulls-eye-shellac-sealer-and-finish-170639.aspx#1 Thanks! this forum has helped me out a lot thus far.
  14. Im waiting for the epoxy to cure on my first lure as we speak.
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