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SW Lures

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Everything posted by SW Lures

  1. What I mainly use to touch up baits is miniature files. A set doesn't cost to much. If you use the soft wood mentioned above, these and some sandpaper will do the trick. Cut the wood to just bigger then the baits that you are planning to design, this will save wood for the next ones. Good Luck Dale
  2. What's fun about designing wooden baits, is none are exactly the same. That's what makes it frustrating also. :)

  3. What's fun about designing wooden baits is that none are exactly the same. That also makes it frustrating. :)

  4. What's fun about designing baits is that none are exactly the same. That also makes it frustrating also. :)

  5. I assumed that the name broadback was a general terminology for the style that the Aussie' s do that has a wider back shape then a height measurement. I also thought that most have a bent side view, with a somewhat cupped tail. Is my thinking of the terminology correct? If not.......OOOPS! Sorry. Dale
  6. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/uploads/monthly_10_2015/post-31433-0-70058800-1445100288.jpg Here Rayguy and Dieter had one in his video that he designed. I assume this is one. By the way Dieter my young buddy that I was talking about ^^^^. She was fascinated with your video and the design of your baits. After a time of trying to explain, I believe I have gave your baits justice. Very Nice. Dale
  7. The curved tail is what I'm using in one of my baits. It's not wide like the Aussie's Broadback, but goes below the body of the bait and is thin (opposite from the Broadback). The tail is the height of the bait, the curve breaks downward from the middle of the bait to the tail hanger. This bait has a highly active wiggle. I want to widen the tail just a little near the body and see what this does to the action of the bait. My guess is that the change will create a more open wiggle (tight wobble). The body is large compared to the length of the bait. This bait is a unusual design all together. First design I made for a young Lady who is a accomplished fishing person and a accomplished kayaker at a young age. She likes fishing for Smallies in moderate fast water and I hope this bait is the trick. All my test shows it will be. Ultimately the fish will let her know for sure. Dale
  8. Stencils is not included either. Wooden blanks are not exactly the same, so I'm thinking about how I can use them with wooden blanks. Dale
  9. New paint scheme, This I can talk about. I decide the forage fish pattern that want to mimic well before painting. I write down the color layers that I think I want to do. This could be days before doing the painting. I write down the color layers and any details. I may change the process several times before I actually paint. Now if I change a idea during pairing I note that in the paint description. Rewrite the process after finishing and keep the notes. 30-45 mins. for this. Maybe up to an hour. Paint scheme that I'm happy with, about 25 mins. This is using two brushes. This does not include clear coating, nor does it include sealing, just color painting. I have some to do in the near future and will post them in the gallery, of my finish products as I complete them. I always have a picture of the bait fish in front of me. This is when I do plastic blanks. Wooden ones, I can't tell you yet. I've been designing for the last two months. Between normal life's demands. Cheers; Dale
  10. JR that's what got me started creating the baits I have so far. I could not find what body type, nor the true color scheme I wanted. This include blanks. I only have one that is a copy of a mass produced bait. I'm stuck now, I'm having way to much fun building these baits. Travis in my opinion, anyone that can make a crank that tracks the way they want it to, understand the dynamics of the design needed and the imagination to create the design (original), not mentioning painting that is a work of art.......ok we will call them a "special maker". Definition of craftsman is a "skilled person in a certain craft". Y'all special makers are craftsman to me. In the definition it said nothing of making a profit, nor about having fun doing it. I'll still call y'all craftsman, at this time I'm a up and coming "wantta-be". All my baits run true (6 originals, 1 copy), I had a short cut tho. I read for months before I joined TU. I read everything that I could that y'all wrote. I enjoy reading people's opinions on different subjects. I learn from this to. Dale
  11. Got to thinking about what we have said. If we could duplicate the baits at will, doesn't this make us manufacturers instead of craftsman of custom baits? Hmmmmmm...... Dale
  12. I get what you are stating BobP. It's just that I normally see the error or not, then measure. I cut out 18 baits yesterday, carved them all and made a first sanding on most. I know most are not exactly alike. I know there is a small chance that one is the perfect "One". As the old saying goes; it's not the sight seeing at the middle of a trip, it's the total adventure. V-Man with that, you can cut out the middle man. Just design, program and let them fly, little weighting, a lip, some paint........perfect world for us. Wait.......then what would I have to chat about? I got to find something else to chat and learn about, as soon as I come up with 10K buck's for that bad boy. Seriously people, I'll take the adventure. We all have such different thinking, which is ok. That's what makes the world such as interesting place....the adventure. Just having fun with it. Dale
  13. I notice this today and made a message about it in "what on your mind". Coincidental I assure you, but funny. I agree with Mark about a line and the human eye. I work with different woods that have hard grain lines, BobP I also find myself losing the symmetry of the bait at times. However as long as I keep my mind on the balance of the bait, all is good. Even with a duplicator (home made, but a pretty good one) I can't make them exact, when I use it. For what Nathan wrote, that's what makes this craft fun. Each bait is like a human, some are great and some.......not so. I agree. Dale
  14. What's fun about designing baits is not any are exactly the same. That also makes it frustrating. :)

    1. JRammit


      Plus you can make lures that NO ONE else in the world has!.... Sometimes thats a good thing, but sometimes theres a reason no one has them

  15. SW Lures

    Glo paint wart

    I like the look of the bait. Nice Mark
  16. So how are you doing young scholar? One thing to learn as you do this project, is another part of bait making. You need to think about and take a look at this here in search. It is about what hydrodynamic condition do to a crankbait. You may want to design baits on a regular basis some day. If nothing else it is a good fact to learn. Remember that aerodynamics are somewhat similar, this may help with a thought reference. At the top of this page there is a box, at the right where you can quarry this. This was wrote about here at TU and I now think about this when making every design I have made so far. I have only had one failure (I tweak it to make it work) out of 10 designs. The lip was the issue, I didn't do the creating of it properly. I feel like me being near where you are at in making baits, that this could help you, it did me. I'm working a craw right now in its natural swimming position, totally different from a normal fish type bait. Weighting will be fun. A very young boy gave me a hug and asked me to make one for him. I couldn't refuse. Dale
  17. One more thing project (mark) a x plane and y plane through top, bottom and both sides you will see what I mean. It could be the picture.
  18. Very good start! At this point pay attention to the symmetry of the profile. The balance of the design needs to be close, to do what your looking for. If the symmetry is true your bait will track true. Later in time you can experiment to change this thought. Pay attention to what will state after my post. There are very experience people here and know much more then I about design of carving or making of baits. But what I stated I do know, others will fine tune your knowledge. After the carving, testing is next. Please keep us inform us as you move forward. You will see what I mean in a short time. Explain design V-Man! ) Dale
  19. Yes and yes, that profile has a very good look in my opinion. Many color schemes can be used on these baits. I feel that if dakotalakestackel sells anything it is worth while buying. This is just my opinion and goes for many others out there. I believe that he test all of his products before selling. These dive numbers are very accurate. The actions described is accurate also. Also, I have had questions over time and have ask for advice (keeping them to a minimum), he has always gave me a honest response. No I'm not him, just a painter who likes these products. As I said before there are many venders out there that are like this also. Good luck Dale
  20. With fins and the natural look of the bait I would paint it with a realistic scheme. In other words, a mimic of an natural forage fish that are in the waters that you would fish for. Happy painting Dale
  21. I'm the same way, I can't find it anywhere local. I get mine off of Amazon. But I'm looking into other alternatives for my jigs, spoons, spinners and cranks. Dale
  22. Very good job! Being somewhat new here at TU I should be quiet I guess, but it's not my style. If you bring up a new idea and share it, the end results go with it. Just like a book. If you didn't share the end result here we would be trying to find it in the gallery. You are not advertising. Although I do like looking through the gallery tho. Great idea! Dale
  23. That would scare the heck out of a fish. Look's like some kinda of a speed boat. Very nice paint job. Lost one of prototype this morning at 22'. The concave lip did ok, I need to work on it a little I think, but still good for shallower water 10-15'. If back and forth is "hunting" then its good for that to. I usually do this with the rod that I'm using. I believe this is because of the way I bowed them while heating them. The fins (side of the lip) are just off line a little. I may have something here. Now I have 7 prototypes to start making and painting. This part I already have down. I won't bother the heck out of y'all for a while. Maybe I can help a little now. Take Care Dale
  24. Edgecrusher, someone lost their shovel. I took a hard look at them, well the best I can. Thanks for the info of the site. What I was interested in was the body shape to help push the lip down. The next of course was the size of the shovel in front. The last was the wire running through the bait and how it's attached to the bill. It appears to be braise together at the tow point. The body style I have seen before and a good size lip, but the wire is just professionally done and how far out from the bait it is. Yepper Jdeee the bait would be fun to bring in and to fell the action. I got out early today (snuck away) and took the baits to a 10' deep pool. I met a person there and the person got in the water while I cranked the divers in. He said they were digging into the bottom and going left to right as they bumped the bottom. Both went down fast and was described as a hound dog tracking a hot trail. The rise of the bait was about what I wanted. About a foot every 2-3 seconds. The river is next. At this point I think I should thank the ones who have give me advice. With out this I don't think that I would be where I am with out your advice. Thank you; Dale
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