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Everything posted by Kscatman76

  1. Thinking about getting the Herring Head mold. Pretty sure i want to try and find some Eagle Claw L570BP hooks for it. What size should i look at getting? 4/0, 5/0? Do they make a bigger hook than that? How are your experiences with this mold and head?
  2. Anyone have any idea what size the snap is on those little micro chatterbaits?
  3. After 20 years of making my own baits I think it's time for a fluid bed. Is it hard to make one? I'm trying to decide between making one and just buying on Ebay. What are your guys thoughts?
  4. I use the Trokar swim jig as well and use a split ring and I'm thrilled with the amount of thump and hunting action. either way you go this is a great mold. I've made some good swimjigs with it as well.
  5. I have always made my own skirts using a regular collar etc. I recently bought some premade skirts on a whim that had the "protie" style collar. It looks to me like these would last forever and not need to be wire tied?? Is that true? Next question, can you buy any of the "protie" style colors to make your own or the hole in one style and make your own? Just looking for something other than having to wire tie. I usually make my jigs with a skirt band with the rattle holders and then wire tie on top of that, so that I can an a rattle but these new protie look really nice.
  6. So I decided yesterday I wanted to just reheat and reuse plastics that me and my buddies use. I have 2 open pour molds coming, one is a sweet beaver and one is a skinny dipper. Figured I would just use these for trailers and it would be easy and fun and a good way to keep baits out of the trash. THEN I get on this thread and read the do's and don't for newbies and it scared the living crap out of me. This sounded like fun, now it sounds crazy dangerous? I was just gonna get a microwave and a pyrex cup and go at it now I'm concerned about ventilation (it would be in the garage with a fan), the cup exploding, the plastic burning, the plastic burning me etc etc. I've been pouring lead jigs for 20 years and have done tons but wanted to venture into this for some fun but this sounds scary??
  7. smalljaw isn't kidding those newer black platinum are just flat awesome. they are sharp and strong. Everyone I show them to has no clue they are eagle claw and I also believe they are way above the mustad in quality these days.
  8. yes I do bend the blades. now I'm new to these and I'm still unsure how far down to bend and how much to bend, I made 4 baits and tested them. 3 had different blade angles and bends and all 3 had some great thump and "hunting" action as they kicked side to side several times per retrieve. The 4th one didn't come back straight on the retrieve and didn't hunt soooo.......it's a guessing game and a work in progress. here is my plan, keep making them and test each individual one to see what I get until I get comfortable making them. I will tell you though, the ones that did have the hunting action just smashed the crap out of fish and outfished the zman original chatterbait fished side by side with someone that's a better fisherman than me. made me a believer REAL quick like
  9. currently either premade boughten skirts or the ones I do make I either use 2 tabs or 2 1/2 tabs. hasnt' made a difference either way.
  10. mine had the kick out or "hunting" when using a swimbait like a skinny dipper as the trailer still. that is using one split ring on a do it trokar pro swimjig head
  11. you might as well tell me what you don't like about it please I figured for that price I couldn't go wrong. Robbor did you buy 13 of the molds this morning??
  12. Just a heads up under the Cabelas online bargain cave they have some do it molds on sale. The Randy Howell Shakey Head Jig mold is $13.88 and there are a couple steel head jig molds for $12.88 and $13.99 and there is a paddle tail swimbait mold on there also. I bought a Randy Howell to try....couldn't go wrong for that price.
  13. Thanks for all the help guys. I fished mine last night and flat hammered the fish. It outfished a regular chatterbait 3 to 1. Has more thump and hunting action. Im so happy/excited/proud. I really really like that newer eagle claw hook in them as well! I believe the new eagle claw hooks are superior to the mustad now days and cheaper!
  14. thanks smalljaw. I wasn't sure if something was wrong since it kicked off once in a while. it's only a couple inches but I actually thought it looked good doing that but I wanted to verify if that is what people were talking about. that happened on the very first one I made so I guess I got lucky.....now to duplicate it
  15. I do, i installed a couple in less than a minute! Thank you again
  16. What exactly do you guys mean about a chatterbait hunting. I made one and threw it, ton of great thump. Very exciting. I did notice on occasion that it will dart to the left or right for just a second every once in awhile on the retrieve. Almost like it hesitates but its not really hesitating, its still thumping. Is that a "hunting action"? I kinda like it whatever it is but i was kind of curious. This is with the Trokar Pro Swimjig with a swivel combo.....boy the thump is very impressive!
  17. I see what your saying, zman isn't doing that though and I'm trying to figure out how to do it like they do. I was trying to unclamp it and hook it and reclamp it but that wasn't working either.
  18. maybe I'm not supposed to open it. still can't figure out how to get it on that chatterbait blade like the Project Z's are. about to drive me nuts
  19. okay I feel dumb but I can't get these fastach's to open to get them on the blade. I've ruined 2 already trying to do it. what the heck am I doing wrong?
  20. I saw one where they used the split ring and added a hook and also added a screw lock to the split ring. looked very cool for sure and maybe a good idea? I would think it would swing better doing that and keep the plastic on better?
  21. zman is doing it somehow, I have some on order so I will see how it goes I guess.
  22. I'm going to start making myself some chatterbaits for personal use. I like the chatterbait project Z that use the Mustad Fastach Clips size 2 and I want to use those on my homemade ones instead of the duolock clips. Have any of you guys used those at all on your chatterbaits (meaning Fastach clips)
  23. High-Temperature Red RTV Silicone Gasket Maker this the stuff I'm looking for? Menards has it for like 4 bucks?
  24. nope I know exactly what your talking about. modified quite a few in the past just hadn't tried the RTV but I will this time. I appreciate the info very much!
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