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Everything posted by Jordanlures

  1. JR if you look at my cranks in the gallery I paint them with cheap hobby paints that I thin one part windex to 4 parts future floor shine then mix with paint at a one part paint to one part thinner I then shoot them through a royalmax 20 dollar iwata knockoff that I super tuned( learned from a YouTube video ) and I have no problems whatsoever, except for the occasional tip dry, that I get just a often with Createx so you don't have to break the bank to start airbrushing, but be warned once you start you will want to make baits just to have something to paint Good luck gonna post some squarebills I painted in the gallery so you can see the hobby paints work we'll to. David J
  2. Jordanlures


    Yea I know a craw pattern on a wake bait but that is what a buddy wanted hope y'all like it David J
  3. Jordanlures


    My new cedar cranks with rattles and new craw patterns
  4. Jordanlures


    fishon you had me curious about salmon spawn so I looked it up I am going to see if I can paint the pattern, I will post it in the gallery if I have any success or PM you thanks for the compliment David J
  5. Jordanlures


    This is what happens when you start painting baits, everybody wants a different paint scheme. I love it , tons of fun.
  6. Thanks Pete, awesome looking lures and killer paint job. Had to look up what a corrorobree frog was, good match on the paint. David J
  7. I love asking any one of you a question, first I get my answer then I gain a whole treasure trove of knowledge beyond any I could hope for. What a fantastic sight, thank you all for your generosity David J
  8. Picture is worth a thousand words thanks Dave
  9. Dave and Pete, I guess I am a little thick in my understanding here, is the curvature fwd to aft or across the x axis and how deep of a concave on a 3/4" long bill Thanks David J
  10. Thanks Dave, I now see a whole lot clearer the lure as a whole not as individual components, excellent post , thanks again. David J
  11. Jordanlures


    On your shellac do you thin with alcohol for better penetration, or do you use as is right out of the can. On my round spook style baits that are shaped all on the lathe I have found if I shape with a skew, burnish with shavings, and take a tip from pen turners and seal with ca glue, I can rough sand it a little to give it tooth for paint and then get a really smooth finished product, I have zinnsers on the shelf that I use on bowls and the like just never have tried it as a seal coat but I will now, thanks Travis. By the way almost all my baits are eastern red cedar (aromatic juniper) that has really nice grain if I want to show it but is easy to seal and paint if not, thanks again for the tips David J.
  12. Jordanlures


    Travis thanks for the reply, I posted the video as a reference on how to use a scraper, and sharpen one, i use an old 1.25" wide band saw blade that I cut into short sections and put a concave cut out in the end. It works great to smooth out those last tool marks from the lathe or other machines and a little more precise than a carving knife because it takes shallower cuts. The cabinet scrapers can easily be modified to any profile you need, and yes I do hold the lure in my hand, its easier than holding it with a power sander, one note here, scraper must be sharp as all wood tools should always be, hope this cleared up any confusion thanks for the input on sandpaper grade, what do you use as a final sand before seal or paint.
  13. I have been getting the no permission as well message., and I am using google chrome.
  14. Jordanlures


    Dave and Dale, thanks for the positives, I am new to TU and looking forward to a lot of good info from other lure building folks, here is a good youtube video on scrapers and there use , you can buy a set of these cabinet scrapers from grizzly tool for about 15$ they are an invaluable asset in my small shop. I have almost abolished sandpaper and all that noxious dust from my shop, now I have a whole lot of shavings ( so much cleaner ) and once you see the finish left after a good sharp scraper you will wonder why sandpaper is ever used, well enough on my rant, hope this all helps. Thanks again for reading David J.
  15. Jordanlures


    Dale I have been a wood worker for years and you can reduce your sanding by using scrapers like they did before sandpaper, you can make your own from old putty knives, and cut the contours you want and they leave a very smooth finish that just requires a quick once over with 320 sandpaper. I use them for final shaping and smoothing. There are numerous videos on YouTube for sharpening and making scrapers. As an added plus they reduce the amount of expensive sandpaper needed for a project. Some of the old ways were the best , hope this helps
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