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About hpssports

  • Birthday 09/02/1974

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    Beaver Dam, Kentucky

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  1. Oil base scents don't work well because they are not water soluble. Water base scents work well but using too much will discolor the baits. We ended up developing our own scent that uses a water-soluble oil that doesn't discolor the baits but releases the scent. The great thing is that it's nontoxic & uses natural scents. We've been testing it out over the past several years with great results and just rolled out our new packaging featuring Hydro Scent Technology.
  2. From my understanding, Jeff was in an accident shortly after they relocated & is recovering. He's supposed to be slowly making his way back into the shop after Christmas.
  3. If you have less than 10 employees, you don't have to worry about it.
  4. Shouldn't be hard to modify an existing mold.
  5. F M Bait Co 189 Childress Rd, Leitchfield, KY 42754 (270) 230-8815
  6. Round worms with a taper actually have better action with less resistance in movement than a flat bottom worm. Think of it as a bullwhip.
  7. The Hotrunner Machine is awesome, but it took 7 months & our company attorney getting involve to receive it.
  8. Scents are only really effective if they're water soluble. Unfortunately, most scents contain oils & plasticizers that are not water soluble. You'll get some scent particle release but not as well as a full water-soluble scent.
  9. We use the Hot Runner Machines. Speed will depend on the size of molds you're using. Most of our molds are at least 12"x12" or 13"x13" & we can go through 5 gallons of plastic an hour.
  10. Try shooting as low temperature as possible & hold at least a 10 second pressure. We usually shoot our stick baits around 285 degrees.
  11. Chemionics has always been known for it's inconsistency. Figured they may have gotten better over the years, but they still have consistency problems. They sent use a couple of gallons of their soft & medium floating formulas to test out & it was useless. Baits made with the soft were falling apart demolding them & baits made with the medium were breaking apart even after a week of cure time. Both the soft & medium still didn't float even though they market the formulas to do so. MF, Lurecraft, BP(Polysol), Lureworks(Color Tech), & Calhoun are way better choices and you're getting it straight from the manufacturer.
  12. It may cost less to just buy trailers wholesale in bulk than making them.
  13. It sounds great but requires a large investment to be competitive. The upside is if you're selling wholesale, the excise tax is based on your lowest selling price.
  14. MF & Lurecraft make a floating plastic. BP/Polysol soft formulas float as well. Everything else we've tested is either a neutral buoyancy or slow sinking. Chemionics advertises a floating formula but it's more neutral & complete junk like the stuff they produce for Dead On.
  15. That sucks, would really like to find some of the 6" Ribbon Tail tail molds. Bought ten of their 6" ribbon tail molds several years back & really like a few of the tail molds.
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