Thats actually a pretty solid idea. I am currently making two rads but one is a flat joint (the one I posted) and the other is a V joint that will use a spoke as a hinge pin. Im sure the trial and error on this bait will help a bunch on the next one for sure. Seems like everyone does things a bit differently depending on the rat. A lot of the suggestions I received from other people were to basically start with no weight, see if it swims and go from there. Not a bad idea either.
Thank you for the advice.
Your rats are looking very nice. and it also looks like you live in Monterey, ca. Im in Santa Cruz. Small world!
The wood I used this time was western red cedar. It appears to be very light and I would imagine quite buoyant . Like ive mentioned above, it seems like some people dont use weight and allow the hooks to ballast the bait, and go from there, which is what I'll probably end up doing. I plan on keeping the line tie closer to the bill, so thats a good suggestions. I wasnt aware that a flat bottom and the line tie were components in the rat walking correctly. Thank you for that.
I'll post a pic of it finished, and my results for others who may have had similar questions.
I appreciate the compliment and advice.