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Everything posted by Zeppohoj

  1. You can use any lure you like and copy the shape with a pencile
  2. Cub48: Ok sounds easy Thanks for your help!
  3. Cub48: Do you have any pictures rebuilding it? Or maby a quick how to?
  4. Cub48: Good point. I Will get a Good one
  5. Roger Linnell: Thats to much money. The ones found on swedish sites kosts ca 80$(0.1L) - 112$(0.5L), baitmold.com got much better price but stil not what I wanna pay. Cub48: Thats hydraulics right? Got a few at work
  6. Cub48: I dont know what that is. Do you have any pictures? Roger Linnell: Sounds like a swedish name, are you? I'v ben looking at oil hand suction pumps in metal that they use to empy transmission oil, petrol etc, but i dont know if it can handle the hot plastisol
  7. Anglinarcher: Yes but didnt find any good ones. Do you got a link? Cami: Ok thats an option, is it safe? Dont wanna burn my hands. I can buy one but dont wanna spend any when I can make my own from scrap.
  8. Hi! I wanna make a soft plastic hand injector. I like doing my own tools etc. The price in Sweden is just sic so buying one is not an option. Im thinkin big coppertube for the heat or maby just alutube. What material is ok to use for the rest of the parts? I'll be using mostly handtools. I'll make my own vac50 molds. I need your brains for this Any idés?
  9. Hi! I wanna make a soft plastic hand injector. I like doing my own tools etc. I dont like geting robbed every time I wanna do someting new. The price in Sweden is just sic.. Im thinkin big coppertube for the heat. I need your brains for this Any idés?
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